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The Forum

My goal for this forum is to constructively interact with a wide range of sociocultural and socioeconomic professionals, as well as all those interested in seeking a greater understanding and appreciation for all facets of Alaska fur farming. This forum is meant to be a place for the sharing of complimentary insights, goals, and objectives. It is commonly understood that there is considerable variability in how fur farm data is collected, shared, recorded, described, and archived. A preliminary synthesis of the southeast Alaska fur farm settlement pattern or scale has been accomplished, but not sufficient to accurately describe sociocultural, socioeconomic, and ecological dynamics and change related to this enterprise. There is a need for integrated datasets with concise and accurate observations. These same datasets need to be subject to new and refined ongoing analysis. This analysis, at a minimum, must at least focus on spacial and temporal data sets.

Development and ongoing refinement of research protocols must be established for integrated analysis. At the present time there is no means for downloading my data or documents. However, this forum is being developed for a range of interests to contribute, share ideas, insights, theories and more. As I mentioned earlier, there is significant variability in how we (e.g., researchers, interested publics) share, record, and code individual and regional site data.  My goal is to collaboratively work to integrate and use this data systematically. At a minimum, I would like to be able to better understand the cultural, economical, and ecological dynamics of southeast Alaska fur farming. To that end, development of a shared conceptual framework for this analysis is necessary. I would hope that such a shared framework can start with what I have initially contributed here. Please feel free to offer your constructive comments, ideas, suggestions, and information. Only through a collaborative effort can such a framework be developed and made relevant for current and future researchers.

The Subsistence News

The weekly Subsistence News was prepared by Larry Roberts for USDA-Forest Service leadership and employees. It was emailed across the country from 1994 to 1996. The News was designed as a concise and timely means of communicating current Subsistence events, activities, news, legal observations and opinions, as well as ongoing developments in Federal and State of Alaska Subsistence.