Subsistence News-11/11/94
To Subsistence 2
From: Larry Roberts:R10F02A
Postmark: Nov 10,94 4:03 PM Delivered: Nov 11,94 9:57 AM
Status: Previously read
Subject: Subsistence News-11/11/94
*The Federal Subsistence Board (FSB) will meet in Anchorage on November 14, 1994, beginning at 8:30am at the Captain Cook Hotel.
*Agenda items for the FSB meeting include the review and discussion of customary and traditional use determinations for the Kenai Peninsula and the upper Tanana River region.
*Another item on the agenda is the “Designated Hunter” option. Debate centers on whether to use existing State of Alaska harvest tags, permits, and licences or shift to a federal harvest permit system. Both options would allow another qualified rural resident to hunt for you.
*This fall, Carol Jorgensen, Regional Coordinator for the southeast Federal Subsistence Advisory Council, was awarded a certificate of merit and cash award for her exemplory work related to the Federal Subsistence Management Program. Carol has been descibed as…”simply an outstanding performer, leader, and person.”
*The Native American Fish and Wildlife Society’s 13th annual National Conference will be held May 1-5, 1995, at the Anchorage Hilton Hotel. Theme for the conference: Native American Resource Management in the North: A discovery of choices, a process for change.
*Subsistence is expected to be a major topic of discussion.