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Tag: designated hunter

Subsistence News-8/12/94

To   Subsistence 2

From:      Larry Roberts:R10F02A

Postmark:  Aug 12,94  8:34 AM          Delivered: Aug 12,94 10:01 AM

Status:    Previously read

Subject: Subsistence News-8/12/94



*In 1990, the federal government initially adopted the State of Alaska’s prior determinations for Subsistence “customary and traditonal use” (C&T). However, the Federal Subsistence Board (FSB) continues to review these determinations and make its own findings.

*Recently, the FSB provided notice in the Federal Register of a C&T priority list/schedule, and the administrative review process. See Federal Register, vol.59,No.135, July 15,1994, pages 36063-36065.

*Work is underway to develop regulations to allow for subsistence hunting by proxy for the 1995-96 season. Other terms used for proxy hunting include: designated hunter, community bag/harvest limit, and transferable permit.

*Interagency contingency planning for federal subsistence management of fisheries is underway. A preliminary report is to be completed for Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt by August 31.

*In SE Alaska, resources which contribute most to the total pounds of edible foods include: deer (21%), halibut (13%), King salmon (11%), coho salmon (7%), sockeye salmon (5%),and dungeness crab (5%).

*Traditional foods and products are used in funerals, potlatches, marriages, Native dances, and other ceremonial occasions.