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Subsistence News-3/15/96

To   Subsistence 2

From:      Larry Roberts

Postmark:  Mar 14,96  3:21 PM          Delivered: Mar 14,96  3:21 PM

Subject: Subsistence News-3/15/96



*Draft proposed rules for expanded jurisdiction of federal management of subsistence hunting and fishing on Alaska federal public lands are nearing completion. This increased jurisdiction could mean an annual $6 million dollar price tag for R10 Subsistence Management.

*The extended jurisdiction could include other changes:

  1. federal regs for selected, but unconveyed lands; and
  2. extension of federal jurisdiction off federal public lands to restrict non-subsistence hunting and fishing in order to provide for a subsistence priority.

*The Alaska congressional delegation recently drafted language which mandates a one year moratorium blocking the federal government from assuming control of State fisheries management. There is concern that the Federal Courts will take a dim view of Congress meddling in a court order. The moratorium effectively overrides the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA) without congressional hearings, public review and comment, and the orderly development of proposed rule making to implement earlier court decisions.

*The Southcentral Regional Advisory Council met in Cordova, March 4-6. The rural eligibility question for the Kenai Peninsula is still unresolved. Notice for additional public meetings may be announced.

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