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Subsistence News-3/10/95

To   Subsistence 2

From:      Larry Roberts:R10F02A

Postmark:  Mar 10,95  9:22 AM          Delivered: Mar 10,95  9:58 AM

Status:    Previously read

Subject: Subsistence News-3/10/95



*The Secretary of Interior has released the draft contingency plan for extended federal jurisdiction of subsistence fisheries in Alaska. The report was submitted to the Sectys of Agriculture and Interior this past September.

*CORRECTION-several Alaska Native groups have petitioned the Sectys of Agriculture and Interior to expand federal management of fish and game in Alaska. The petition seeks to expand federal authority in regulating fish and game on “non-public” lands. It also seeks to include millions of acres of Alaska lands selected, but not conveyed, to the state and Native Corporations. Comments on the petition for rule-making are due by April 3.

*Federal land managing agencies in Alaska assumed fish and game management on federal public lands in 1990. At that time, former Secty. of Interior Manuel Lujan ruled that “public lands” in Alaska did not include lands selected, but not conveyed, by the state and Native Corporations, navigable waters, and Native Corporation lands,or other private lands. The above petition asks the Sectys to revisit the question.

*Traditionally, the Tlingit & Haida of SE Alaska, viewed the heads of houses and lineages as the trustees of their groups subsistence areas.

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