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Subsistence News-2/24/95

To   Subsistence 2

From:      Larry Roberts:R10F02A

Postmark:  Feb 24,95  7:59 AM          Delivered: Feb 24,95  9:58 AM

Status:    Previously read

Subject: Subsistence News-2/24/95



*The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the Alaska state legislature “is not empowered under state law to intervene in the appeal” of “Alaska v. Babbitt”. Alaska’s governor dropped the lawsuit, but the state legislature voted to continue the appeal.

*The state legislature and governor agree that fish and game management on federal public lands needs to be returned to the state. But they disagree on how to accomplish this goal.

*The state legislature believes the issue can be resolved by continued litigation, and the governor is committed to complying with ANILCA’s subsistence provisions. The governor believes the way to comply is to amend the state constitution to allow for a rural subsistence preference.

*Carol Jorgensen, southeast Federal Subsistence Advisory Council Coordinator, has been offered and accepted a position as District Ranger on the St. Igance/Souix St. Marie RD, Hiawatha NF. Her scheduled reporting date is April 16th.

*Secty’s of Interior and Agriculture have been asked to draft rulemaking to allow them to: 1. regulate fish & game on state & private lands for subsistence; 2.conveyed and unconveyed Native lands be treated as public lands subject to ANILCA subsistence priority.

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