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Subsistence News-12/8/95

To   Subsistence 2

From:      Larry Roberts

Postmark:  Dec 07,95  1:36 PM          Delivered: Dec 07,95  1:36 PM

Subject: Subsistence News-12/8/95



*The Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA) authorizes the use of “traditional knowledge” in the making of decisions by the Federal Subsistence Board (FSB).

*The Alaskan general public does not clearly understand that the loss of state fish and game management authority in 1990 was not total, but limited to only federal public lands. The State of Alaska retains authority to manage fish and game on state and private lands. Under the “Katie John” decision the area under federal control has been expanded to include certain navigable waters previously under state jurisdiction.

*Under Section 6(f) of the Federal Subsistence regulations…”a qualified subsistence user may designate another qualified subsistence user to take fish and wildlife on his or her behalf….” The FSB specifically authorized this type of federal permit harvest in southeast Alaska’s Tongass NF for the taking of Sitka black-tailed deer. As of December 1st, a total of 120 designated hunter permits have been issued. This total is 5% of the annual average number of subsistence hunters for the region–2,649.

*”Who uses the most fish and game in Alaska?”…Subsistence, 4%; Sport, 1%; and Commercial, 95%.

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