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Subsistence News-11/9/95

To   Subsistence 2

From:      Larry Roberts

Postmark:  Nov 09,95  8:33 AM          Delivered: Nov 09,95  8:33 AM

Subject: Subsistence News-11/9/95



*There is cautious optimism by some within the Governor’s office that a legislative remedy may be at hand for the ongoing subsistence impasse. Some believe the Lt. Governor’s “quiet diplomacy” may result in a legislative endorsement for a possible state constitutional amendment and ballot measure before the Dec. 31th deadline.

*The approach for the possible state legislative solution to the subsistence debate appears to include existing state laws, including non-subsistence areas, but would also add a residence based preference system that would require a state constitutional amendment.

*Amendments to Title VIII (Subsistence Management and Use) of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA) (1980) are also possible under the proposed remedy for the state’s subsistence impasse. Under the proposal, the subsistence preference would be retained, but would also be extended to qualified non-rural residents.

*Under the proposal, the state would be able to change rural designations in the future as community characteristics change.

*The proposal would require legislative action by the state and Congress. Some believe there is a better chance for the proposals success in 1996, than in the 1998 gubernatorial election year.

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