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Subsistence News-11/3/95

To   Subsistence 2

From:      Larry Roberts

Postmark:  Nov 01,95  9:28 AM          Delivered: Nov 01,95  9:28 AM

Subject: Subsistence News-11/3/95



*Fran Ulmer, Alaska’s Liet. Governor, recently provided some clarification on the intricacies of Alaska’s subsistence dilemma. Ulmer responded to the following point:”Subsistence is not and should not be limited to traditional methods and means”. Ulmer’s response: “Some insist that subsistence harvest methods should exclude use of rifles, snow machines, and other modern technology. Insistence on pre-contact Native harvest methods is not only impractical, it could very well produce unintended consequences. Fish traps, hunting with snares, and other traditional harvest methods are very effective and do not discriminate among species. Also, the rural preference is not limited to Natives.”

*The next Southcentral Federal Regional Advisory Council (RAC) meeting is scheduled for Cordova, Alaska, Feb.5-7, 1996.

*The Southeast RAC meeting is set for Wrangell, Alaska, Feb.8-10, 1996.

*The Katie John v. U.S. and Alaska litigation alleges that the federal subsistence program has restricted the defendants from fishing in navigable waters. As a result, within the next 14 months, the “Forest Service may be handed subsistence fisheries management responsibility that could cost as much as $15 million annually.”

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