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Subsistence News-1/12/96

To   Subsistence 2

From:      Larry Roberts

Postmark:  Jan 12,96  8:28 AM          Delivered: Jan 12,96  8:28 AM

Subject: Subsistence News-1/12/96



*The federal Subsistence Board is accepting applications through February 29th for membership on the ten Federal Subsistence Regional Advisory Councils (RAC). Thirty-two appointments will be made in 1996 to fill expiring three-year terms on the Councils. For info (800)-478-1456.

*The Southeast RAC is scheduled to meet in Wrangell, February 8-10.

*On Dec.22, 1995, Gov. Tony Knowles appointed Mary C. Pete the new Director of the Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game’s (ADF&G) Division of Subsistence. Pete, an anthropologist, was the acting chair of the Department of Rural Development at the UA-Fairbanks campus at Bethel. She oversees 38 employees and an annual budget of $2.6 million. Pete succeeds Rob Bosworth, who is now a Deputy Commissioner of ADF&G.

*The US and Canada have signed agreements to limit the hunting of waterfowl that migrate between the two countries. The agreements are designed to treat Natives in Canada and rural subsistence users in Alaska fairly in the regulation of waterfowl harvest.

*The 1996 Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Restoration Workshop is scheduled for Anchorage January 16-18. A major component of the workshop is the session dealing with incorporation of traditional knowledge into the restoration program. Successful examples from Alaska will be presented.

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