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Subsistence News-10/13/95

To   Subsistence 2

From:      Larry Roberts

Postmark:  Oct 06,95  9:03 AM          Delivered: Oct 06,95  9:03 AM

Subject: Subsistence News-10/13/95



*The Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA), section 810, imposes significant, but largely procedural, restrictions on future management of Alaska public lands.

*Under 810 provisions, all future decisions (except on state and Native corporation lands) must take into consideration their effect on subsistence.

*Prior to any action, the federal agency managing the lands must evaluate the effect of the action on subsistence and alternatives available to reduce or eliminate the need for the proposed action.

*If the activity has the potential to “significantly restrict subsistence use”, then it cannot be implemented until the agency has accomplished the following:

  1. gives notice to the state and the affected local committees and regional councils,
  2. gives notice and holds a hearing near the lands being considered/impacted, and
  3. determines that the restriction of subsistence is necessary, that the least amount of land will be affected, and that reasonable steps will be undertaken to lessen the adverse effects to subsistence.

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