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Author: Larry Roberts

Subsistence News-5/27/94

To   Subsistence 2

From:      Larry Roberts:R10F02A

Postmark:  May 26,94  3:25 PM          Delivered: May 27,94 10:00 AM

Status:    Previously read

Subject: Subsistence News-5/27/94



*Walter Hickel, Governor of Alaska, is considering a state constitutional amendment as part of his behind the scenes effort to end the state’s subsistence dilemma.

*Among items under consideration include proposed changes to ANILCA’s subsistence provisions.

*Currently, the state is consulting with the Alaska Federation of Natives (AFN), as well as other state sport and commerical interests.

*Alaska Natives are not likely to agree to any changes in ANILCA’s subsistence language, maintaining ANILCA currently contains minimum subsistence provisions.

*One state sportsmans association would support nothing less than a repeal of all ANILCA subsistence provisions.

*Julie Kitka, AFN President, commented on the governor’s efforts as…

“The proposal has not generated optimism and enthusiasm”.

Subsistence News-5/13/94

To   Subsistence 2

From:      Larry Roberts:R10F02A

Postmark:  May 12,94  1:44 PM          Delivered: May 13,94 10:00 AM

Status:    Previously read

Subject: Subsistence News-5/13/94



*Subsistence is what many people do for a living rural Alaska. It is their job; what they value; It makes sense to them; and it’s their way of life.

*Subsistence is a vital part of the Alaskan economy. It provides food and other goods that would otherwise require large outlays of cash. It complements the market and transfer sectors of the rural economy.

*Subsistence provides choices, security, and stability to a limited economy.

*It also provides self-reliance and self esteem for many rural residents.

*Subsistence contributes to social, cultural, and economic stability and diversity.

Subsistence News-5/6/94

To   Subsistence 2

From:      Larry Roberts:R10F02A

Postmark:  May 05,94  9:11 AM          Delivered: May 06,94 10:02 AM

Status:    Previously read

Subject: Subsistence News-5/6/94



*In a May 2nd letter to Governor Walter Hickel, Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt has reaffirmed the need for the state of Alaska this year to amend the state constitution to recognize a rural subsistence preference.

*Babbitt made it very clear that the federal government would like to return subsistence fish and game management responsibility to the state.

*The Secretary also advised the governor that if no constitutional amendment on subsistence is passed before the general public this November, there will not be another opportunity for the state until November 1996.

*At the same time, the Secretary directed the Federal Subsistence Board (FSB) to start work on studies that could lead to federal management of subsistence fishing in the state’s navigable waters.

*These studies will entail outlining…”the steps and resources necessary to assume management of all fisheries in the navigable waters of Alaska to safeguard a rural subsistence priority.” A preliminary report is due to the Secretary by August 31, 1994.