Subsistence News-12/30/94
To Subsistence 2
From: Larry Roberts:R10F02A
Postmark: Dec 29,94 11:47 AM Delivered: Dec 29,94 11:46 AM
Status: Previously read
Subject: Subsistence News-12/30/94
*The Federal Subsistence Board (FSB) is accepting applications for membership on the 10 Federal Subsistence Regional Advisory Councils (RAC). Application deadline is February 28,1995. Appointees serve a three-year term.
*Conditions for RAC appointment:
- individual must be a resident of the region they seek to represent;
- knowledge of local and regional subsistence uses and needs;
- knowledge of other uses of the regions fish and wildlife;
- willing to travel to and attend RAC meetings;
- willing to attend FSB meetings, as requested.
*The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council’s 1995 work plan calls for $1.65 million to be spent on subsistence projects as a result of the 1989 oil spill. Projects to be funded include: intergenerational project on the sharing of traditional knowledge of subsistence practices; making use of traditional subsistence knowledge in data gathering; and identifying and surveying customary subsistence harvest areas for evidence of continued oil problems.
*In addition to the above projects, seven grants to the Alaska Dept. of Community and Regional Affairs will deal with a variety of subsistence related concerns expressed by rural residents.