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Preliminary Select Bibliography in Relation to Historic Alaska Fur Farming

Select Bibliography in Relation to
Historic Alaska Fur Farming

Larry D. Roberts
Updated: February 3, 2016


Adams, L.H.

1935    Mink Raising; A book of practical information about raising mink, marten, and fisher. 4th Edition. A.R Harding Publishing Company. Columbus, Ohio.


Agee, Fred B.

1929    Fur Farming. Journal of Forestry, 27(3):270. Society of American Foresters. Washington, D.C.


Ahern, Albert M.

1922    Fur Facts: A Book of Knowledge. Self Published by C.P. Carran Publishing Co. St. Louis, Missouri.

n.d.      Tributes, Inc. Boston, Massachusetts.


Alaska Department of Fish and Game

n.d.      Wildlife Notebook Series. State of Alaska. Juneau, Alaska.


Alaska Digital Archives

n.d.      A collaborative library and archive initiated by the Rasmuson  library at the University of Alaska-Fairbanks, the Consortium library at the University of Alaska-Anchorage, and the Alaska State library in Juneau.


Alaska Division of Community and Regional Affairs

n.d.      Alaska Community Database: Community Information Summaries. Department of Commerce. State of Alaska. Juneau, Alaska.


Alaska Farm and Garden

1982    A Look at Alaskan Fur Farming 2(8):1. August/September. Alaska Farm Structures, Inc. Delta Junction, Alaska.


Alaska Game Commission

n.d.      Fur Farmers Holding Licenses Under Alaska Game Laws for the Years: 1923, 1924, 1929, 1933, 1934, 1936, 1941, 1942, 1944, 1945, 1946, 1947, 1950, 1951. Mimeographed. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. In: General Correspondence of the Territorial Governors of Alaska. 1909-1958. Microfilm Ar 27, number 939. Alaska State Library, Historical Collection. State of Alaska. Juneau, Alaska.

n.d.      Fur Shipped from Alaska During the Year….Annual press releases, 1923-1951. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Alaska State Library-Historical Collection. State of Alaska. Juneau, Alaska.


Alaska Magazine

1973    Subject Index to the Alaska Magazine (formerly The Alaska Sportsman) 1935-1972. Alaska Northwest Publishing Company, Anchorage, Alaska.


Alaska Mining Hall of Fame Foundation

2013    Doug Colp: 1914-2010. Compiled by T. K. Bundtzen. Fairbanks, Alaska.


Alaska Record-Miner, The

1901    To Start Fox Farm. October 13(44):1. Juneau, Alaska.


Alaska Rural Systemic Initiative

2000    Guidelines for Respecting Cultural Knowledge. Sharing Our Pathways (newsletter of the Alaska Rural Systemic Initiative). 5 (March/April).


Alaska Sportsman

1945    Fur Trapping and Ranching 11(6):14. June. Journal Publishing Company. Ketchikan, Alaska.

1944    Advertisement: William Abbes fur farm for sale. January. Journal Publishing Company. Ketchikan, Alaska.


Alaska State Archives

n.d.      Naturalization Records. Collection Guides. State of Alaska. Juneau, Alaska.


Alaska State Library-Historical Collection

1994    Fox Farms in Southeast Alaska, ca. 1927; Photographic Collection, PCA 331. Guide to Collections. Alaska State Library. Historical Collections. Juneau, Alaska.

1989    Juneau-Douglas Dairy and Farming Families (Dairy farmers) Guide to Collection; PCA 328. Historical Collections, Alaska State Library, Juneau, Alaska.

n.d.d    Historical Collection. John G. Peterson, 1912-1950. PCA 280. Juneau, Alaska.

n.d.c    Robert N. DeArmond Collection, 1861-1995. MS-039. Juneau, Alaska.

n.d.b    Index for Biographies of Alaska-Yukon Pioneers, 1850-1950, v. 1-5. MS-0027. Alaska State Library. Historical Collections. Juneau, Alaska.

n.d.a    General Correspondence of the Territorial Governors of Alaska. 1909-1958. Microfilm Ar 27, number 939. Juneau, Alaska.


Alaska State Library

n.d.      Fox Farms of Southeast Alaska Photographic Collection. Juneau, Alaska.


Alaska Territorial Department of Audit

n.d.      Fox Brand Program Files, 1923-1942. Alaska State Archives. Reference code: 102. Higher-level code: RG106. Records 102-18386; 102-18387; 102-18389. Juneau, Alaska.


Alaska Territorial Governors

n.d.      Correspondence of the Alaska Territorial Governors, 1909-1958. MFAR 27. Alaska State Library-Historical Collection. Juneau, Alaska.


Alaska Weekly, The

1928b  Successful Fur Farms. October 19. Seattle, Washington.

1928a  Three Island Ranches Sold. April 20. Seattle, Washington.

1927    Experimental fur farm has been started. 28 (1). Seattle, Washington.

1926    The Blue Fox Situation. The Alaska Yearbook: 34-35. Seattle, Washington.

1925    Fox Industry is Profitable. August 21. Seattle, Washington.

1924    Fox Company Issues Report. March 14:3. Seattle, Washington.

1923d  Operators of Island Blue Fox Farms in the Territory of Alaska. September 21. Seattle, Washington.

1923c  Cannery Man Reaches End. April 13. Seattle, Washington.

1923b  Fox Industry on Increase in SE Alaska. March 16. Seattle, Washington.

1923a  Government Reports on Fur Farming. March 16. Seattle, Washington.


Alaska Yearbook

n.d.      Annual Publication. 1926-1928. Published by the Alaska Weekly. Seattle, Washington.


Alaskan, The

1927    Alaska Mink Market in States. 42(15). Sitka, Alaska.

1903b  Fur Farms In Western Alaska. April 25:3. Sitka, Alaska.

1903a  Many Blue Fox Farms. January 24:1. Sitka, Alaska.

1900d  Fox Breeding in Alaska. November 17:1. Sitka, Alaska.

1900c  Fox Farming. July 28:1. Sitka, Alaska.

1900b  Fox Breeding on the Alaskan Islands; A Remunerative Industry Utilizing Our Islands. June 9: 51. Sitka, Alaska.

1900a  Fox Breeding on the Alaskan Islands. Supplement to the Alaskan. June 9. Sitka, Alaska.

1899    Progress for Fur Farming-Editorial. August 12:2. Sitka, Alaska.

1895    Fox Farming in Alaska. September 7:1. Sitka, Alaska.

1893    Regulations on Taking in Alaska. February 18: 3. Sitka, Alaska.

1887    Furs Brought to Sitka. June 4: 4. Sitka, Alaska.


All-Alaska Review

1930    Petersburg—Port of Prosperity. Cordova Daily Times All-Alaska Review. Pg. 25. Cordova, Alaska.



Allen, J.A. and W. Chester S. McLure

1926    Theory and Practice of Fox Ranching. Irwin Printing Co. Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada


Allen, Lois Hudson

1942    Trail Lake Fur Farm. March. Page 10. The Alaska Sportsman 8 (3). Journal Publishing Company. Ketchikan, Alaska.

1940    Mink Rancher. March. Page16. The Alaska Sportsman. Journal Publishing Company. Ketchikan, Alaska.


American Fox and Fur Farmer

1923b  Fox Farmers of Alaska Form Organization for Benefit of Whole Industry. 2(6):22. .Published by the American Fox and Fur Farmer. Utica, New York. [Reprinted from the Petersburg Weekly Report. November 17, 1922].

1923a  By-Laws Adopted for Southeastern Alaska Blue Fox Farmers Association. 2(6):22. Published by the American Fox and Fur Farmer. Utica, New York. [Reprinted from the Petersburg Weekly Report. November 17, 1922].

1922f   Blue Fox Ranching on Alaskan Islands. 1(10): 23-24. April. Published by the American Fox and Fur Farmer. Utica, New York.

1922e  Fur Farming and Plant Culture: Muskrat Farming. By Robert C. Hodgson. 1(10): 9-11. April. (From “Hunter-Trader-Trapper. April 1922”). Published by the American Fox and Fur Farmer. Utica, New York.

1922d  External Parasites of Foxes. By George A. Jeffreys. 1(10): 4-6. April. Published by the American Fox and Fur Farmer. Utica, New York.

1922c  Sukoi Island Fox Ranch Now Under New Management. 1(9):5. March. (From the Petersburg Weekly Report). Published by the American Fox and Fur Farmer. Utica, New York.

1922b  Fox Farming Shows Rapid Growth 1(7):22. January. Published by the American Fox and Fur Farmer. Utica, New York.

1922a  Food Nutrition in Foxes. 1(7): 4-8. January. Published by the American Fox and Fur Farmer. Utica, New York.

1921g  Beavers and Martens may again be trapped in Alaska. American Fox and Fur Farmer 1(3):32. September. Published by the American Fox and Fur Farmer. Utica, New York.

1921f   Comments by the Public Press: Saturday Evening Post, Oct. 30, 1920. American Fox and Fur Farmer 1(3):27. September. Published by the American Fox and Fur Farmer. Utica, New York.

1921e  Lieutenant Frank G. Ashbrook. 1(1): 26. July. Published by the American Fox and Fur Farmer. Utica, New York.

1921d  Hints to Beginners on Fox Ranch Management. By Samuel F. Wadsworth, MDV. 1(1): 15-17. Published by the American Fox and Fur Farmer. Utica, New York.

1921c  Dr. E.W. Nelson, Chief, Bureau of Biological Survey. U.S. Department of Agriculture. 1(1): 12-14. Published by the American Fox and Fur Farmer. Utica, New York.

1921b  Fox Ranching: J.S. Chastek 1(3):6. September. Published by the American Fox and Fur Farmer. Utica, New York.

1921a  Parasites. By W.L. Chandler. 1(1): 5-6. Published by the American Fox and Fur Farmer. Utica, New York.


American Fur Breeder

1961b  What You Should Know About State License Requirements. 34(10):18-19. Duluth, Minnesota.

1961a  Fleshing and drying—Current Methods. 34(10):12-15. Duluth, Minnesota.

1958    What is Woman’s Work. 31(7):18. Duluth, Minnesota.

1956    Green Fleshing. 29(10):18. Duluth, Minnesota.

1952    Favorite Fleshing Tools. 25(11):10. Duluth, Minnesota.

1947    Jess Ames Buys Out Partners. 19(13):90. Duluth, Minnesota.

1946c  The Inghams Fly to Alaska. 18(17):36. Duluth, Minnesota.

1946b  Advertisement: Yukon Fur Farms, Inc. Petersburg, Alaska. 18(14):20. Duluth, Minnesota.

1946a  Alaskans Start Fur Auction. 18(11):45. Duluth, Minnesota.

1944b  Advertisement: Yukon Fur Farms, Inc. Petersburg, Alaska. 15(3):19. Duluth, Minnesota.

1944a  Wives Necessary on Alaska Fur Farms.15(9):29. Duluth, Minnesota.

1942c  Advertisement: Alaska’s Largest and Finest Fur Farm; Mountain Point Fur Farm, Ketchikan, Alaska. 15(1):18. Duluth, Minnesota.

1942b  Sells Out to Army. 15(1):25. Duluth, Minnesota.

1942a  The Fur Market. 14(8):12. Duluth, Minnesota.

1940d  Advertisement: “Blue and Platinum Foxes; Breeders for Sale”. 12(15):7. Duluth, Minnesota.

1940c  Bureau of Biological Survey Experts Visit Alaska. 12(13):7. Duluth, Minnesota.

1940b  How I Developed My Blue Fox Herd. 12(12):14. Duluth, Minnesota.

1940a  Takes Up Mink Farming Again. 12(8):34. Duluth, Minnesota.

1939b  Alaska’s Experimental Farm in Operation. 11(9):25. Duluth, Minnesota.

1939a  Alaskan Takes Mink to Japan. 11(8):38. Duluth, Minnesota.

1938f   Animals Purchased for Alaskan Station. 11(6):14. Duluth, Minnesota.

1938e  U.S. Biological Survey Begins Nation-wide Fur Farm Survey. 10(12):13. Duluth, Minnesota.

1938d  Cashes in on Grubstake. 10(12):13. Duluth, Minnesota.

1938c  Work Started on Alaska Farm. 10(11):33.  Duluth, Minnesota.

1938b  Alaskan’s Organize Mink Farm. 10(10):27. Duluth, Minnesota.

1938a  Prefers Fur Farming to Social Life. 10(9):31. Duluth, Minnesota.


American National Fox Breeders Association

1928    Yearbook of the Silver Fox and Fur Farming Industries. American National Fox Breeders Association. W. H. Olmsted, publisher. Minneapolis, Minnesota. [Published annually throughout much of the 1920’s].




American National Fur and Market Journal

1947c  Some Suggestions on How to Improve Production on the Silver Fox Ranch. 25(7):11. Wausau, Wisconsin.

1947b  What’s happened to the Fur Market? 25(6):5-6. Wausau, Wisconsin.

1947a  How to dry mutation mink pelts with their fur side out. 26(4):7. Wausau, Wisconsin.

1946    How to Use Clamp Method of Tattooing Foxes. 25(11):10. Wausau, Wisconsin.

1945c  Kellogg Makes Trip to Alaska Farm. 24(11):18.Wausau, Wisconsin.

1945b  GI newspaper asks why American soldiers weren’t equipped with fur garments. 24(2):7-8. Wausau, Wisconsin.

1945a  What’s Going to Happen to the World Fur Markets in the Coming Years? 23(12):5-6. Wausau, Wisconsin.

1944    Killing and Pelting Foxes and Minks 23(4):5. Wausau, Wisconsin.

1943c  Why have so many had to go out of business? 22(5):12. Wausau, Wisconsin.

1943b  Be Sure to Wrap Wire ‘Stretchers’ 22(4):24. Wausau, Wisconsin.

1943a  How to Freeze Pelts Before Fleshing. 22(4):9. Wausau, Wisconsin.

1942    It’s Nearly Pelting Time Again. 21(4):7. Wausau, Wisconsin.

1941    Pelting, Fleshing, Drying, and Handling Silver Fox Skins. 20(5):11. Wausau, Wisconsin.

1940b  Fur farming grows to be Important industry in the United States. 19(7). Wausau, Wisconsin.

1940a  Ted Grahl Explains his Mink Pelting Methods. 19(4):13. Wausau, Wisconsin.

1938b  Don Aitkin, Michigan Rancher, Describes Wire Pelt ‘Stretcher’ and its Use. 17(4):8. Wausau, Wisconsin.

1938a  Paul Lei Van Describes Pelting Methods Used on His Ranch. 17(4):5. Wausau, Wisconsin.


American Review of Reviews

1918    The New Industry of Fur Farming. 57:208-209. Albert Shaw. New York, New York.


Ames, Jesse

1947    Fur Farming in Southeast Alaska. In: Fur Farming Opportunities in Alaska. Gorman, Richard F. (editor). Alaska Development Board. Territory of Alaska. Juneau, Alaska.

1944    Wives Necessary on Alaska Fur Farms. American Fur Breeders. 15(9):29. Duluth, Minnesota.

2014b  New York, New York Marriage Index, 1866-1937. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

2014a  Washington, Select Death Certificates, 1907-1960. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

2013d  Massachusetts, Birth Records, 1840-1915. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

2013c  Idaho, Birth Index, 1861-1912, Stillbirth Index, 1905-1962. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

2013b  Web: Alaska, Find a Grave Index, 1845-2012. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

2013a  Web: Washington, Find a Grave Index, 1821-2012. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

2012k  Web: Alaska, Find a Grave Index, 1845-2012. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

2012j   U.S., Find a Grave Index, 1600-Current. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

2012i; Death Record; Petersburg Alaska Death Records. Database on-line. Provo, Utah

2012h  Web: Obituary Daily Times Index, 1995-2012. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

2012g  Web: Alaska: Find a Grave Index, 1600-Current. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

2012f   California Death Index, 1940-1997. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

2012e  Web: Alaska, Find a Grave Index, 1845-2012. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

2012d  U.S., Headstone Applications for Military Veterans, 1925-1963. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

2012c  Washington, Marriage Records, 1865-2004. Database on-

2012d  U.S., Find a Grave Index, 1600-Current. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

2012c; Death Record; Petersburg Alaska Death Records. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

2012b  U.S. Census 1940. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

2012a  U.S., Headstone Applications for Military Veterans, 1925-1963. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

2011e  U.S., City Directories, 1821-1989. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

2011d  U.S. Social Security Death Index, 1935-Current. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

2011c  Michigan, Births and Christenings Index, 1867-1911. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

2011b  Rootsweb Ancestry. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

2011a  Alaska, Find a Grave Index, 1867-2011. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

2010k  U.S. Census 1920. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

2010j   U.S. Appointments of U.S. Postmasters, 1832-1971. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

2010i   U.S. Public Records, Volume 1 and 2. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

2010h  U.S. Census 1920. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

2010g  Washington, Births, 1883-1935. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

2010f   U.S. Naturalization Records, Original Documents, 1795-1972. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

2010e  Canadian City and Area Directories, 1819-1906. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

2010d  U.S. Public Records, Volume 1 and 2. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

2010c  Social Security Death Index. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

2010b  U.S. World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

2010a  U.S. Naturalization Records Index, 1791-1992. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

2009f   Census of Canada, 1881. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

2009e  Kansas State Census Collection, 1855-1925. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

2009d  Petersburg Memorial Cemetery Sections A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,1,2,2a,3,and 4. AKGenWeb Project. Transcribed by Valori Enge. Database hosted by USGenWeb. Database on-line.

2009c  Wrangell and Petersburg Boroughs Census Areas. Jo Slade and Tara Alcock, AKGenWeb Project. Database hosted by USGenWeb. Database on-line.

2009b  Kansas State Census Collection, 1855-1925. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

2009a  Border Crossings from the U.S. to Canada, 1908-1935. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

2008c  Border Crossings from the U.S. to Canada, 1908-1935. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

2008b  Washington, Deaths, 1883-1960. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

2008a  Oregon, Death Index, 1898-2008. Oregon State Library. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

2007b  U.S. Army, Register of Enlistments, 1798-1914. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

2007a  U.S. Passport Applications, 1795-1925. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

2006e  Florida Marriage Collection, 1822-1875 and 1927-2001. Database on-line. Provo, Utah..

2006d  U.S. Census 1910. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

2006c  Boston Passenger and Crew Lists, 1820-1942. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

2006b  U.S. Veterans Gravesites, ca. 1775-2006. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

2006a  Alaska Alien Arrivals, 1906-1956. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

2005c  U.S. World War ll Army Enlistment Records, 1938-1946. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

2005b  California Birth Index, 1905-1995. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

2005a  World War I Civil Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

2004c  Washington, Select Death Certificates, 1907-1960. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

2004b  U.S. Census 1900. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

2004a  Florida Death Index, 1877-1998. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

2003    Idaho Death Index, 1911-1951. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

2002c  Washington, Births, 1907-1919. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

2002b  U.S. Census 1930. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

2002a  Washington Death Index, 1940-1996. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

2000c  Oregon Death Index, 1903-1998. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

2000b  California Death Index, 1940-1997. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

2000a  World War I Civilian Draft Registration. Complied by Ray Banks. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

n.d.o    Strasser Family Tree. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

n.d.n    Griffin-Jones Family Tree. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

n.d.m   Henry Seeman Family Tree. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

n.d.l     Mackie-Tobin-Beddoe-Barry Family Tree. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

n.d.k    Becker Family Tree. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

n.d.j     Thomas Lahey Family Tree. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

n.d.i     Joseph Worts Stansfield Family Tree. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

n.d.h    Arthur Attwood Stansfield Family Tree. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

n.d.g    Maclean Family Tree. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

n.d.f     Ingram-Anderson-Smith Family Tree. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

n.d.e    Herndon-Ross-Harper Family Tree. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

n.d.d    McAlpine’s Nova Scotia Directory, 1890-1897. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

n.d.c    U.S. Census, 1880-1940. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

n.d.b    U.S. Veterans Gravesites, ca. 1775-1925. Database on-line. Provo, Utah.

n.d.a    Death of Dr. Jule B. Loftus. June 7, 1982. Woodburn, Oregon. The Generations Network, Provo, Utah.


Anchorage Daily Times

1972    Fur Farm to be Phased Out. November 3. Anchorage, Alaska.

1957    All Around Alaska: Fur Farms Losing Out. November 15. Anchorage, Alaska.

1930    Boat Capsizes, Hardy Drowns Kusilof River. September 8. Anchorage, Alaska.

1928b  Fox Farmers of Kasilof Section Install Storage. September 15. Anchorage, Alaska.

1928a  Raising of Foxes Growing Industry in Kusilof Region. September 10. Anchorage, Alaska.

1927b  Cole Will Lease Kusilof Land to Start Fur Farm. September 23. Anchorage, Alaska.

1927a  Fur-Farmers Name Officers; Exchange Ideas at Banquet; Discuss Needs of Industry. September 8. Anchorage, Alaska.


Anderes, Ernest

1947    Fur Farming in the Ketchikan District. In: Fur Farming Opportunities in Alaska. Gorman, Richard F. (editor). Alaska Development Board. Territory of Alaska. Juneau, Alaska.


Anderson, Ralph V.

1922    Fox farming in Cook Inlet District. The Pathfinder of Alaska 3(7):6. Valdez, Alaska.

Applegate, Samuel

n.d.      Papers of Samuel Applegate,1875-1925. Alaska State Historical Library MS 3. Juneau, Alaska.


Archbold, C.M.

1945    Memorandum concerning islands available and recommended for fur farming. May 11. USDA-Forest Service, Ketchikan, Alaska. In: U.S.D.A. Forest Service. Historic Special Use Permit Files. On file with the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration. Pacific Alaska Region. Anchorage, Alaska.


Arndt, Katherine, Russell H. Sackett, and James A. Ketz

1987    A Cultural Resource Overview of the Tongass National Forest, Alaska. Prepared for the USDA-Forest Service under contract #53-0109-6-00203, by GDM, Inc., Fairbanks, Alaska.


Arndt, Katherine

1979    The Alaska Experimental Fur Farm: Determination of Eligibility for the National Register of Historic Places. Manuscript. USDA-Forest Service. Petersburg, Alaska.


Ashbrook, Frank G. and Ernest P. Walker

1925    Blue-Fox Farming in Alaska. Department Bulletin No. 1350. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Government Printing Office. Washington, D.C.


Ashbrook, Frank Getz

n.d.      F.G. Ashbrook Papers, circa 1915-1965. Special Collections. The Smithsonian Institution Archives. Washington, D.C.

1948    Fur-an important wildlife crop. National Fur News 20(3):15; 20(4):20. April and May. Denver, Colorado.

1947    Annual fur catch of the United States. U.S. Department of Interior-U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Wildlife Leaflet no. 298. September. U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington, D.C.

1946    Fur farming can be a profitable Business. The American National Fur and Market Journal 24(10):9. Wausau, Wisconsin.

1944    Fur Farming Under the Stress of War. The American National Fur and Market Journal 22(9):9. Wausau, Wisconsin.

1942    The American National Fur and Market Journal 20(2):9. Wausau, Wisconsin.

1941    Problems Arising out of the War which Affect Fur Farming in the U.S. The American National Fur and Market Journal 20(2):9. Wausau, Wisconsin.

1937    The Breeding of Fur Animals. Yearbook of Agriculture. U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1936. Book separate No. 1603. Pages 1379-1395. U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington, D.C.

1936    Fur Farming in Perspective. Bureau of Biological Survey. U.S. Department of Agriculture. U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington, D.C.

1930b  Fur Resources of the United States: A Special Report to Supplement the Exhibit of the United States Government at the International Fur Trade Exposition, Leipzig, Germany, 1930. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.

1930a  Silver Fox Farming. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Bulletin No. 1151. U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington, D.C.

1928b Fur Farming For Profit. Macmillan Co., New York, New York.

1928a  Recommendations to Beginners in Fur Farming. Leaflet No. 27. Bureau of Biological Survey. U.S. Department of Agriculture. U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington, D.C.

1927    Mink Raising. Leaflet No. 8. Bureau of Biological Survey. U.S. Department of Agriculture. U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington, D.C.

1925    More and Better Furs. The Pathfinder of Alaska 6(3):9. Valdez, Alaska.

1924    Biologist in Charge of Division of Fur Resources. Bureau of Biological Survey. Conference held under the auspices of the National Association of Fur Trade. October 1-2. Washington, D.C.

1923c  Trade Names in the Fur Industry. Journal of Mammalogy 4(4): 216. Lawrence, Kansas.

1923b  Blue Fox Production in Alaska. The Pathfinder of Alaska 4(9):6. Valdez, Alaska.

1923a  Silver-Fox Farming. Department Bulletin No. 1151. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Government Printing Office. Washington, D.C.

1922b  The Fur Trade and Fur Supply. American Fox and Fur Farmer 1(9):17. March. Published by the American Fox and Fur Farmer. Utica, New York.

1922a  The Fur Trade and Fur Supply. Journal of Mammalogy 3(1):1. February. Williams & Wilkins Co. Baltimore, Maryland.


Avery, Bert

1947    Yearly Fox Feeding Schedule. National Fur News 19(1):14. Denver, Colorado.


Ayres, Sabra

2007    Juneau Island Development Plan Sparks Environmental Concern; Popular recreation spot targeted for development. The Anchorage Daily News. June 10. The McClatchy Company, Anchorage, Alaska.


Bahovec, Fred

1989    The First 100 Years. Self Published. Sitka, Alaska.

1983    Personal Communication. May 19.


Bailey, Edgar P.

1993    Introduction of Foxes to Alaskan Islands-History, Effects on Avifauna, and Eradication. U.S. Department of Interior. Fish and Wildlife Service. U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington, D.C.

1992    Red foxes, Vulpus vulpus, as biological control agents for introduced arctic foxes, Alopex lagopus, on Alaskan islands. Canadian Field Naturalist. 106(2): 200-205. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.


Bailey, Theodore N.

1981    Characteristics, Trapping Techniques, and Views of Trappers on a Wildlife Refuge in Alaska. Pages 1904-18. In: Chapman, Joseph A. and Duane Pursley (Editors). Worldwide Furbearer Conference Proceedings. August 3-11, 1980. Frostburg, Maryland


Baker-Harris, Lori and Christi Welch

1990    Fur Farming in Alaska. Alaska History Class Project. (Fall 1990). On file with the Clausen Memorial Museum. Petersburg, Alaska.


Bales, L.L.

1915    Raising Silver Gray and Blue Foxes in Alaska. Outdoor Life. August, Volume 36. Outdoor Life Publishing Co. Denver, Colorado.


Bancroft, Hubert Howe

1959    History of Alaska. Antiquarian Press. New York, New York.


Barkdull, Calvin H.

1956    The Murder Gang. The Alaska Sportsman. January: 1(56):6. Journal Publishing Company. Ketchikan, Alaska.


Barker, Kay

1939    Voluntary Exile. The Alaska Sportsman 5 (11):8. November. Journal Publishing Company. Ketchikan, Alaska.


Barksull, C.H.

1907    Alaska Foxes. Hunter, Trader, Trapper. May. 14:86. Hunter, Trader, Trapper Co. Columbus, Ohio.


Barrow, Mark V. Jr.

1998    A Passion for Birds: American Ornithology after Audubon. Princeton University Press. Princeton, New Jersey.


Bassett, Charles F.

1948    Some Common Fallacies in our Present Mink Feeding Practices. American Fur Breeder 21(2):14-30. Duluth, Minnesota.

1946    Seasonal Fox Rations and Quantities to Feed. A.H.D. 85. Bureau of Animal Industry. Agricultural Research Administration. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Formerly Wildlife Leaflet 206 issued in May 1946 by the Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior.  Government Printing Office. Washington, D.C.

1945    Report of the U.S. Fur Animal Station Progress. The American National Fur and Market Journal 24(1):9,12. Wausau, Wisconsin.

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1939d  A Humane Method of Killing Foxes. American Fur Breeder 12(5):28-29. Duluth, Minnesota.

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Benitz, Earl, Jr.

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Berg, Helen

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Bergmann, Harold

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Birdseye, Clarence

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Blair, George H.

1923    Illustrated Catalogue of Fur Bearing Animals. Jacob Norton’s Sons Company. Boston, Massachusetts.


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1999b  Streets to the Past; The Historic Street Name Guide for Petersburg, Alaska. Published by the Clausen Memorial Museum. Petersburg, Alaska.

1999a  Boat Database. Irregularly updated. Microsoft Access software.  Grand Junction, Colorado and Clausen Memorial Museum. Petersburg, Alaska.


Blight, Robert (ed.)

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Brady, Paul G.

1940    Mink Housing and Ranch Equipment. American Fur Breeder 12(11):18. Duluth, Minnesota.


Brennan, E.M.

1913    A Successful Fox Farm. The Progressive 1(3):3. Petersburg, Alaska.


Brookman, Al

1984    Sitka Man. Alaska Northwest Publishing Company. Anchorage, Alaska.

1976    Life on a Fox Island. December 29. Daily Sitka Sentinel. Sitka, Alaska.




Brooks, Maria

1980    Millie Dodson is interviewed by Maria Brooks on October 28, 1980 in Anchorage, Alaska. Alaska Women’s Oral History Collection. Anchorage, Alaska.


Browness, E. Rendle

1945    Mink Mating Problems. American Fur Breeders 17(7):40. Duluth, Minnesota.


Broyles, C.E.

1943    Effect of the War on Fur Farming. The Fur Journal 9(5):3. Wausau, Wisconsin.


Brue, Sandy

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Bull, George

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Bulletin, The

1924    Shooting Poachers. Southeast Alaska Blue Fox Farmers Association. March 20. Volume 1(4):6. Juneau, Alaska.


Bunge, Sam

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Bunnell, Charles E.

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Bureau of Animal Industry

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Bureau of Biological Survey-USDA

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Cameron, Jenks

1929    The Bureau of Biological Survey. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Institute for Government Research. Service Monograph No. 54. U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington, D.C.


Campbell, Chris Rabich

n.d.      Fur Farms in the Ketchikan Area, Tongass National Forest. Draft manuscript. Three pages. U.S.D.A.-Forest Service. Ketchikan, Alaska.


Cantillon, Karen

1982    Fur Farming in Alaska. Fall issue, page 6. Alaska Fish Tales and Game Trails. State of Alaska. Department of Fish and Game. Juneau, Alaska.


Capra, Doug

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Carpenter, Frank

1916    Thousand Dollar Foxes Are Raised on Alaska Fur Farms. Toledo Weekly Blade. November 9. Page 5. Toledo, Ohio.


Carstensen, Richard

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Cattell, James M.

1922    Fur Farming. The Scientific Monthly. American Association for the Advancement of Science. 15:307-308. Washington, D.C.




Chaddock, Dr. T.T.

1940    Diseases of Mink. American Fur Breeder 12(12):18-19. Duluth, Minnesota.


Chapman, William Young

1913    Fox Frenzy. The Independent 74:359-362. New York, New York.


Chastek, Frank M.

1932    Is the Blue Fox Worthwhile? American Fur Breeder 4(8): 18. Duluth, Minnesota.


Chipperfield, W.A.

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1945a  Memorandum to the Regional Forester concerning fur farming. July 17. USDA-Forest Service. Petersburg, Alaska. In: Historic Special Use Permit Files. On file with the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration. Pacific Alaska Region. Anchorage, Alaska.


City and Borough of Juneau

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Clausen Memorial Museum

1999b  Streets to the Past, The Historic Street Name Guide for Petersburg, Alaska. By Emmalee M. Blender. Published by the Clausen Memorial Museum, Petersburg, Alaska.

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n.d.b    Dagmar Ames’ records. Alaska State Pioneer Home collection. Petersburg, Alaska

n.d.a    Oral History: James and Annie Leekley. Interviews conducted by the students of Petersburg High School. Petersburg, Alaska.


Cleary, Grover

1924b  Financial Independence. The Pacific Homestead 50(15):1. Salem, Oregon.

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Clemens, Janet and Frank Norris

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Cobb, John N.

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Croman, Dorothy Young

1985    Trouble on the Blue Fox Islands: An Outlands Adventure. Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. Wheaton, Illinois.


Crompton, C.E.

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Crooks, A.E.

1947    Blue Fox Ranching. American Fur Breeder 19(12):6. Duluth, Minnesota.


Dahl, Nina Anderson

1983    Personal Communication. May 18.


Daily Alaska Dispatch

1904    Fox Raising in Alaska. January 4:1. Cordova, Alaska.


Daily Record-Miner, The

1907    Our Fox Ranches. August 9. Juneau, Alaska.


Daily Sitka Sentinel

2005    Trip to Goddard a Cruise Into History. Andrew Miller, author. April 1. Sitka Weekend. Sitka, Alaska.

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1976    Life on a Fox Island. Al Brookman, Sr., author. December 29. Daily Sitka Sentinel. Sitka, Alaska.


Dall, William H.

1870    Alaska and Its Resources. Lee and Shepard. Boston, Massachusetts.




Dearborn, Ned

1921c  Trapping on the Farms. American Fox and Fur Farmer 1(3):16. September. Published by the American Fox and Fur Farmer. Utica, New York.

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1920    Maintenance of the Fur Supply. Department Circular 135. Bureau of Biological Survey. U.S. Department of Agriculture. U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington, D.C.

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1917a  Fur farming as a side line. Yearbook of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. 1916. U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington, D.C.

1915b  Report on Fur Farming in Alaska, Summer 1915. F.G. Ashbrook Papers, 1915-1965: Record Unit 7143, Series10, Box 15, Folder 8. Smithsonian Institution Archives. Washington, D.C.

1915a  Silver Fox Farming in Eastern North America. Department Bulletin No. 301. U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington, D.C.

n.d.      Ned Dearborn Papers: 1905-1940. Archive material. Denver Public Library. Denver, Colorado.


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1958    How to Prepare Your Mink Pelts. National Fur News 30(10):10. Denver, Colorado.


Dederer, Michael

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Denison, B. W.

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Department of the Interior

1928    Memorandum for the Press. October 6. Memorandum on file with the Alaska State Historical Library. General Correspondence of the Territorial Governors of Alaska. 1909-1958. Juneau, Alaska.


DeArmond, Robert N.

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1995    Index of Alaska Obituaries from Various Sources with a Supplement of Obituaries from Sources in the Ketchikan Area Collected by Patricia Roppel (1899-1995). On file with the Alaska State Library. Historical Collection. Juneau, Alaska.

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1974    Subject Index to the Alaskan, 1885-1907, a Sitka Newspaper. Gastineau Channel Centennial Association. Juneau, Alaska.

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DeVarigny, Henry

1900    The Breeding of Arctic Fox. Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution showing the Operations, Expenditures, and Condition of the Institution for the year ending June 30. U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington, D.C.


DeVenne, George L.

1939    Blue Gold of the Aleutians. July. The Alaska Sportsman 5(7):8. Journal Publishing Company. Ketchikan, Alaska.


Dieterich, Jamie Morton and Dr. Robert A. Dieterich

1986    Necropsy Procedures and Techniques for Fur Farmers. Manuscript. Veterinary Science Institute of Arctic Biology, University of Alaska-Fairbanks. Fairbanks, Alaska.


D’oro, Rachel

2015    Decades-old federal effort to clear Alaska islands of invasive foxes closer to completion. September 24. Star Tribune, Minneapolis, Minnesota.


Dummer, Larry and Ann

1979    Personal Communications.


Easley, Cheryl (Cher)

2013    Personal communications.

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Ebbert, S.E. and G.V. Byrd

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Eby, S.C.

1912    A Fox farm on an Island of the Sea; Story of Thomas Varey Smith’s Voluntary Exile on Middleton Island. Alaska-Yukon Magazine 13:7. Juneau, Alaska.


Eddy, Janet Leekley

1983    Fur Farm Production and Potential in Alaska. Report prepared for the Division of Finance and Economics, Department of Commerce and Economic Development, State of Alaska. Juneau, Alaska.


Edwards, Oliver T.

n.d.      Oliver T. Edwards Papers. 1934-1940. Archive material. University of Alaska-Anchorage and Alaska Pacific University Consortium Library. Anchorage, Alaska.


Elfin Cove Lodge

2009    History of Elfin Cove Alaska. Elfin Cove, Alaska.


Elliot, Nan

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Elstad, Janet

1961    Ours was a Special Kind of Farm. The Alaska Sportsman. March. Page 10. Journal Publishing Company. Ketchikan, Alaska.


Elwell, Niska

1945    Deserted Island. The Alaska Sportsman. December. Page 16. Journal Publishing Company. Ketchikan, Alaska.


Emerson, Gabe

2014    Personal Communications.

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Enders, Robert K.

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Engstrom, Ellen

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Erskine, W.J.

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Eubanks, Penny

n.d.      Grindall Island History. Written and Researched by Volunteer Penny Eubanks. 3 pages. State of Alaska. Department of Natural Resources. Juneau, Alaska.


Evermann, Barton W.

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Everett, Mrs. M.

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Fairbanks Daily News-Miner

2011    Obituary for Douglas Byer Colp. January 2. Dean Singleton and Richard Scudder Family Trusts. Fairbanks, Alaska


Flory, Charles H.

1924    Letter to the Forester, Chief of the Forest Service. May 31. L, Uses-Tongass, Fur Farms. Juneau, Alaska. In: USDA-Forest Service, Closed Tongass National Forest Historic Special Use Permit Files. On file with the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration. Pacific Alaska Region, Anchorage, Alaska.

1922    Information Regarding Fur Farm Permits within the National Forests of Alaska. June 16. Memorandum on file In: USDA- Forest Service, Closed Tongass National Forest Historic Special Use Permit Files. On file with the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration. Pacific Alaska Region, Anchorage, Alaska.


Forrest, Celia

1984    Index to the Petersburg Newspapers, 1913-1916. Alaska Historical Commission. Department of Education. Alaska Historical Commission Studies in History No. 104. Anchorage, Alaska.




Forester, Joseph E., and Anne D. Forester

1980    Silver Fox Odyssey: History of the Canadian Silver Fox Industry. Irwin Printing. Charlottetown, Canada.


Foster, Scott (Producer)

1994    Industry of the Past. Interview with Harold & Ethel Bergmann at the Yukon Fur Farm, Kupreanof, Alaska. Rain Country. Program No. 911. VHS Tape. KTOO-TV. Juneau, Alaska.


Fox, William L.

1971    Fish Diet for Mink. Agroborealis 3(2):20.University of Alaska-Fairbanks, Fairbanks, Alaska.

1970b  Some 2000 Mink are his charge. Agroborealis 2(2):41. University of Alaska-Fairbanks, Fairbanks, Alaska.

1970a  An Unusual Test at Petersburg. Agroborealis 2(1):11. University of Alaska-Fairbanks, Fairbanks, Alaska.


Frink, Geraldine (Jeri) Hildebrand

1983    Personal communications with Cynthia Flora and Julie Hoffman Hursey.


Frost, Jack

2005    Navigability of the Kasilof River in the Cook Inlet Region. From J. Frost, Navigable Waters Specialist to Chief of the Lands and Reality Branch. U.S.D.I.-Bureau of Land Management. Anchorage, Alaska.


Fuchs, Victor R.

1957    The Economics of the Fur Industry. Columbia University Press, New York.


Fur Breeders Agricultural Cooperative

1966    The Potential of a Mink Industry in the State of Alaska. 9 pages. Midvale, Utah.


Fur Commission USA

2007    Mink Farming in the United States. November. Coronado, California.


Fur Farmers Bulletin

1924    Alleged Poacher Killed. The Southeastern Alaska Blue Fox Farmers Association. March 20. 1(4):6. Juneau, Alaska.

1923    The Southeastern Alaska Blue Fox Farmers Association. Vol. 1, Issue 1-6. Juneau, Alaska.


Fur Farmer Magazine, The

1932    Editors Pen 7(9):24. March. Seattle, Washington.

1928    Alaska Fur and Fur Farms. John Meals, author. 4(5):4. Seattle, Washington.

1925    Adjustment of Rental Charges on Fur Farms located on Forest Lands in Alaska. May. Seattle, Washington.

1923b  Coast Guard Cutter Will Protect Fox Farmers 1(3):7. April. Seattle, Washington.

1923a  The Poacher Problem 1(1):4. February. Seattle, Washington.

n.d.      Monthly (irregular) publication by the Fur Farmer Magazine, 1923-1934. Seattle, Washington.


Fur Farmer Weekly, The

n.d.      Weekly publication by Paull Publications. (Successor to The Fur Farmer Magazine). Seattle, Washington.


Fur News Magazine

1913    Fox Ranches in Alaska. August. 18:103-104. Fur News Publishing Company. New York, New York.


Fur News Publishing Company

1912    Fur Farming for Profit, A practical text book on breeding fur bearing animals, either as a direct industry, or in connection with specialized or general farming. New York, New York.


Fur News and Outdoor World

1920    Alaska Fur Farmer Has Good Crop of Foxes. October. Page 11. Somerville, New Jersey.


Fur Trade Review

1920    Last Report of the Bureau of Fisheries on Fur Bearing Animals of Alaska. September:146-150. New York, New York.

1919b  Fox Farming–Operations in Alaska. November: 208-210. New York, New York.

1919a  Alaskan Fox Farm: a Romantic Business Adventure. September: 325-327. New York, New York.

1916    Measure Introduced Concerning Government Jurisdiction Over Fur-Bearing Animals in Alaska. March: 88-89. New York, New York.


Gabrielson, Dr. Ira N.

1944    A Talk to the Fur Industry. The American National Fur and Market Journal. 20(8):9. Wausau, Wisconsin.


Garfield, Charles D.

1938    Furs for the Ladies. Alaska Life 1(9):14. Seattle, Washington.

1936    Charles Garfield Collection. Letter of Earl Ohmer to Charles Garfield. December 16, 1936. Filed in the Manuscripts Department. University of Washington Library. Seattle, Washington.

1930    Fur Farming in Alaska. All-Alaska Review. Page 34. Cordova Daily Times All-Alaska Review. Cordova, Alaska.

n.d.      Papers, 1910-1960. Records located in the collections of the University of Washington Libraries. Seattle, Washington.




Garletts, Nell M.

1945    Mink Traps at Totem Bay. The Alaska Sportsman. January. Page12. Journal Publishing Company. Ketchikan, Alaska.


Gassner, F.X.

1944    Parasitism and its Effects on Fur Animals. American Fur Breeder 17(1): 20. Duluth, Minnesota.


Gazaway, H.P.

1960    Facts and Observations on Agricultural Development in Alaska. State of Alaska. Department of Natural Resources. Juneau, Alaska.


Gillis, Stephen A.

1915    Money in Fox Farming. International Letter Club. Jersey City, New Jersey.


Goldschmidt, Walter R. and Theodore H. Haas

1946    Possessory Rights of the Natives of Southeastern Alaska. Manuscript. Report to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs. Washington, D.C.


Gorham, Dr. J.R. and Dr. H.J. Griffiths

1952    Diseases and Parasites of Minks. Farmers’ Bulletin No. 2050. U.S. Department of Agriculture Handbook. U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington, D.C.


Gorham, J.K., H.J. Griffith, and R. Keith Farrell

1960    Mink: Diseases and Parasites. U.S. Department of Agriculture Handbook. U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington, D.C.


Gorman, Richard F. (editor)

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Gothier, Frank C.

1940    Practical Mink Feeding. American Fur Breeder 13(2):18, 20-21. Duluth, Minnesota.


Graves, Earl F.

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1929a  Territorial Veterinarian’s Report for the month of July. General Correspondence of the Territorial Governors of Alaska. Microfilm. Alaska State Historical Library, Juneau, Alaska.

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Green, R.G., W.E. Carlson, and C.A. Evans

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Greiser, Weber

2011    Personal Communications. October 20.


Grosvold, Andrew

1922    Blue Fox Ranching on the Westward Islands. The Pathfinder 3(7):5. Valdez, Alaska.


Gunn, Dr. C.K.

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n.d.      Historical Collections. Gustavus, Alaska.


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2013    Personal communication. March 6.

2010    Personal communication. November 19.

2007    Personal communication. September 12.


Haggarty, J.C., C.B. Wooley, J.M. Erlandson, A. Crowell

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Harris, Lorin E. and John K. Loosli

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Hartman, Jane

1971    Mail Boat. The Alaska Sportsman. June. Page 46. Journal Publishing Company. Ketchikan, Alaska.


Hasbrouck, Edwin

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Haycox, Stephen W. and Mary Childers Mangusso

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Healas, Glenn G.

n.d.      Glenn G. Healas Photograph Collection. Alaska and Polar Regions Collections. Elmer E. Rasmuson Library. University of Alaska-Fairbanks. Fairbanks, Alaska.


Heideman, Charles W. H.

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Heintzleman, B. Frank

1940    Letter to all fur farmers under special use permit by the Forest Service, Alaska Region. February 20. Regional Office, Juneau, Alaska. In USDA-Forest Service, Closed Tongass National Forest Historic Special Use Permit Files. On file with the U.S. Archives and Records Administration. Pacific Alaska Region. Anchorage, Alaska.

1937    Letter to all fur farmers under special use permit by the Forest Service, Alaska Region. October 1. Regional Office, Juneau, Alaska. In: USDA-Forest Service, Closed Tongass National Forest Historic Special Use Permit Files. On file with the U.S. Archives and Records Administration. Pacific Alaska Region. Anchorage, Alaska.


Heller, Edmund

1910    Mammals of the 1908 Alexander Alaska Expedition with descriptions of localities visited and notes on the flora of Prince William Sound region. University of California Publications in Zoology 5: 321-360. University of California, Berkeley.


Hennessey, Frank C.

1911    The Arctic Fox. Outdoor Life. 28:413-415. Outdoor Life Publishing Co. Denver, Colorado.


Henshaw, Henry W.

1912    Report of the Chief of the Bureau of Biological Survey. Alaska Agriculture, Volume 3. Reports and Documents, 1908-1912. U.S. Department of Agriculture. U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington, D.C.


Hildreth, H.H.

1900    Fox Breeding in Alaska. The Alaskan 15(47):1. Sitka, District of Alaska.


Hill, Joseph L.

1914    Letter to Alaska Territorial Governor, J.P.A. Strong. June 10. Katalla, Alaska.


Hilson, Stephen E.

1976    Evergreen Pacific Exploring Alaska and British Columbia. Originally self-published by Van Winkle Publishing, Holland, Michigan. Republished in 1997 by Evergreen Pacific Publishing Ltd. Seattle, WA.


Hoff, Dennis

  1. Personal Communications. April 6.


Holbrook, William

n.d.      A series of reports from the 1920’s addressing the agricultural value of land in the south Tongass National Forest. Manuscripts. On file in the Forest Supervisor’s Office. Tongass National Forest. Ketchikan, Alaska.


Home Progress

1916    The Raise of the Silver Fox. 6:165-167. Boston, Massachusetts.


Howard, E.C.

1921    A Warning from Alaska. Fur Trade Review. February. Page 219. New York, New York.


Huff, Claude

1998    Elovoi Island Fox Farm Diaries: January 1, 1928 through February 24, 1933. Transcribed by Winter 98 Passport in Time Volunteers. Sitka Ranger District. Original Diary Archived at the Sitka Historical Society, Isabel Miller Museum, Sitka, Alaska.

n.d.      Elovoi Island Fox Farm; Claude Huff; 1926 & 1927 Diary Pages. Transcription housed with the USDA-Forest Service, Sitka Ranger District. Sitka, Alaska.


Huff, Donald

1997    Rough draft-Transcribed Audio and video interview with Don Huff; interview conducted by Rachel Myron, John Hallum, Karen Iwamoto, and Hans VonRekowski. The interview concerns his family’s fur farming activities in and around Elovoi Island, Southeast Alaska. On file with the USDA-Forest Service, Sitka Ranger District. Sitka, Alaska.


Hunter, Dr. J.E.

1938    Minerals and vitamins in diet. The American National Fur and Market Journal 17(4):7. Wausau, Wisconsin.


Huston, John Robert

1963    A Geographical Analysis of the Fur Farming Industry in Alaska. Master’s Thesis. Department of Geography. University of California-Berkeley. Berkeley, California.


Ingle, Dorothy & Leonard

1997    Personal Communication. May 1.


Institute of Social, Economic, and Government Research

1966    The Fur Industry in Alaska. Review of Business and Economic Conditions. 3(4):1. University of Alaska, Anchorage.


Interior Village Association

1982    A Village Fur Farm. Alternative Development Program. Fairbanks, Alaska.


Isto, Sarah Crawford

2015    Personal communication.

2014    Personal communication.

2013    Personal communication.

2012    The Fur Farms of Alaska: two centuries of history and a forgotten stampede. University of Alaska Press. Fairbanks, Alaska.

2011    Personal communication.

2010    Personal communication.


2008    Earl Graves and Jule B. Loftus: Territorial Veterinarians for the Fur Farms.  Alaska History 23(1&2):1. Alaska Historical Society. Anchorage, Alaska.


Janes, Willette

1991    Draft Report of the Juneau Dairy Farming Historic Resources Survey. City and Borough of Juneau. Juneau, Alaska.


Janson, Lone

1985    Those Alaska Blues: A Fox Tale. Alaska Historical Commission Studies in History #168. Alaska Historical Commission, Anchorage, Alaska.


Jacobson, Paul

1947    The Road to Success in Blue Fox Ranching. National Fur News 19(7-8):15. Denver, Colorado.


Jeffreys, George A.

1922c  Blue Fox Farming and its Future 1(11):4. May. Published by the American Fox and Fur Farmer. Utica, New York.

1922b  External Parasites of Foxes. 1(10): 4-6. April. Published by the American Fox and Fur Farmer. Utica, New York.

1922a  Food Nutrition in Foxes. 1(7): 4-8. January. Published by the American Fox and Fur Farmer. Utica, New York.


Johnson, Cora

1983    Personal Communications. March 9.


Johnson, John

2014    Personal Communications. April 27.

1996    Personal Communications. October 19.


Johnson, Ralph V.

1922    Cook Inlet Fox Farming Described. Petersburg Weekly Report. 9(37):3. Petersburg, Alaska.


Johnson, Will

1950    Blue Gold on Middleton. The Alaska Sportsman. April. Page 6. Journal Publishing Company. Ketchikan, Alaska.


Jones, Cherry Lyons

2006    More than Petticoats: Remarkable Alaska Women. Globe Pequo Press. Guilford, Connecticut.


Jones, Dorothy K.

1980    A Century of Servitude: Pribilof Aleuts Under U.S. Rule. University Press of America. Washington, D.C.





Jones, E. Lester

1915    Report of Alaska Investigations in 1914. Bureau of Fisheries. U.S. Department of Commerce. U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington, D.C.


Jones, J. Walter

1914    Fur Farming in Canada. Commission of Conservation. Pages 71-80. Ottawa, Canada.


Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association

1960    Obituary for Dr. Earl F. Graves. Volume 136. Page 587. Ithaca, New York.


Judge, James

1918    The Blue Foxes of St. Paul and Other Islands. Fur Trade Review. August: 250-252. New York, New York.

1913    The Blue Foxes of the Pribilof Islands. In J. Walker Jones. Fur Farming in Canada, 60-69. Gazette Printing Company Ltd.. Montreal, Canada.

1909b  The Blue Foxes of the Pribilof Islands. In: Silver Fox Farming. American Breeder’s Association 5:325-340. Duluth, Minnesota.

1909a  Blue Foxes of the Pribilof Islands. Science (29) 598-599. New York, New York.


Judson, Katherine B.

1913    Subject Index to History of the Pacific Northwest and of Alaska. For the Seattle Public Library. Published by the Washington Public Library. Olympia, Washington.


Juneau-Douglas City Museum

n.d.      Gastineau Channel Memories, 1880-1959. Volume 1. Juneau, Alaska.


Juneau Empire, The

2014b  Obituary for Jean Thorsteinson. October 19. The Morris Publishing Group. Juneau, Alaska.

2014a  Obituary for Benjamin (Bennie) J. Melvin. October1. The Morris Publishing Group. Juneau, Alaska.

2012    Obituary for Mabel Kathryn McLean Reddekopp. July 31. The Morris Publishing Group. Juneau, Alaska.

2011    One leg, countless contributions: Emory Valentine. October 21. The Morris Publishing Group. Juneau, Alaska.

2010b  Obituary for Fred S. Honsinger. March 25. The Morris Publishing Group. Juneau, Alaska.

2010a  Obituary for Beatrice Amelia Buchanan. January 22. The Morris Publishing Group. Juneau, Alaska.

2005    Obituary for Jeanette Ruth (Brookman) Wells. January 5. The Morris Publishing Group. Juneau, Alaska.

2003    Spuhn Island Fur Farm, ca. 1933 (Photograph). May 6. The Morris Publishing Group. Juneau, Alaska.


Kalen, Barbara

1962    Dean of Alaska Railroaders. March:34. Journal Publishing Company. Ketchikan, Alaska.


Kenderick, Bob

1957    All Around Alaska: Fur Farms Losing Out. Anchorage Daily News. November 15. Anchorage, Alaska.


Kellogg, Charles E., Charles F. Bassett, and Robert K. Enders

1954    Mink Raising. Circular No. 801. Agricultural Research Service. U.S. Department of Commerce. U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington, D.C.

1948    Mink Raising. Circular No. 801. Agricultural Research Service. U.S. Department of Commerce. U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington, D.C.


Kellogg, Charles E. and Charles F. Bassett

1946    Raising Mink. A.H.D. No. 101. Bureau of Animal Industry. Agricultural Research Administration. U.S. Department of Agriculture. U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington, D.C.

1941    Mink Raising. U.S. Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service. Fur Resources Section, Division of Wildlife Research. Wildlife Leaflet 191. U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington, D.C. [This leaflet supersedes Wildlife Research and Management Leaflet BS-82, issued in January, 1937 by the Bureau of Biological Survey, under the Department of Agriculture].


Kellogg, Charles E.

1954    Outline of Research Being Done for Fur Farmers. U.S. Fur Rancher 33(3):2-3, 22. Communications Marketing, Inc. Minneapolis, Minnesota.

1950    Fur Farming Possibilities. Leaflet No. 267. Agricultural Research Administration. U.S. Department of Agriculture. U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington, D.C.

1947    What Government Research is Doing to Help Fur Farming. Black Fox Magazine 30(9): 58. F.C. Faye. New York, New York.

1946    Genetics Applies to Fur Animal Breeding. American Fur Breeder 19(1):6. Duluth, Minnesota.

1943    Feeding Fish to Fur Animals. American Fur Breeder 15(9):16-19. Duluth, Minnesota.

1937    Silver Fox Pelt Prices as Affected by Time of Pelting, Sex, and Age. Circular No. 460. Division of Wildlife Research. Bureau of Biological Survey. U.S. Department of Agriculture. U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington, D.C.


Kellogg, Royal S. and William A. Langille

n.d.      United States Forest Service Photographic Collection. USDA- Forest Service, Alaska Region. Alaska State Library. Juneau, Alaska.



Kenai Peninsula Borough

2006    Fox Farming History in Kachemak Bay. Planning Department, Staff Reports. Kenai, Alaska.


Kent, Rockwell

1920    Wilderness, A Journal of Quiet Adventure. G.P. Putnam’s Sons. New York, New York.


Ketchikan Alaska Chronicle

1927a  Mink Farm Is Located Near Town. December 29. Journal Printing Company. Ketchikan, Alaska.

1923c  Will Arrange Convention of Fox Farmers. November 6. Journal Printing Company. Ketchikan, Alaska.

1923b  Blue Fox Industry. August 6. Journal Printing Company. Ketchikan, Alaska.

1923a  Blue Fox Industry. February 16. Journal Printing Company. Ketchikan, Alaska.


Kirk, Dr. R.J.

1946    Sanitation on the Mink Ranch. American Fur Breeder 18(10):6.. Duluth, Minnesota.


Klein, Janet R.

2008    Kachemak Bay Communities: Their Histories, Their Mysteries. Kachemak County Publications. Homer, Alaska.

1986    Farming for Fur: Alaska’s Fox Farming Industry: 1879-1982. Alaska Journal 16: 102-104. Alaska Northwest Publishing Co. Juneau, Alaska.

1981    A History of Kachemak Bay: the country, the communities. Homer Society of Natural History. Homer, Alaska.


Kleinschmidt, F.E.

1910    Circumstantial Evidence. Outdoor Life. April. 25:343-345. Outdoor Life Publishing Co. Denver, Colorado.


Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park

n.d.b    Gold Rush Cemetery; Skagway, Alaska on Dyea Road. Skagway, Alaska.

n.d.a    Gold Rush Cemetery; near lower Reid Falls. Skagway, Alaska.


Kodiak Aleutian Regional High School

n.d.     Elwani Magazine 1976-1980’s. Kodiak, Alaska.


Kulip, Gladi and Mary A. Slemmons

n.d.      Trevor M. Davis Photographic Collection, 1912-1968. Historical Collections. Alaska State Library. Juneau, Alaska.


Kurtz, Rick S.

1995    Fox Farming-The Return of Soft Gold. In: Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve; Historic Resource Study. National Park Service. Anchorage, Alaska.

Kutchin, Howard M.

1902    Report on the Salmon Fisheries of Alaska in 1901. Senate Document No. 138, First Session of the 57th Congress. U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington, D.C.

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1898    Report on the Salmon Fisheries of Alaska in 1897. U.S. Department of Commerce. U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington, D.C.


Kutchin, M.

1900    Fox Breeding in the Alaska Islands. April. Volume 82: 242. Scientific American. New York, New York.


LaDue, Harry Jay

1921    Fur Farming Possibilities. American Fox and Fur Farmer 1(3):34. September. Published by the American Fox and Fur Farmer. Utica, New York.

1919    Fur Farming Possibilities. Western Magazine, 14(6):233-237. Western Publishing Company. St. Paul, Minnesota.


LaGuardia, Fiorello

1926    Minority Report, Leasing Public Lands in Alaska for Fur Farming. Committee on the Public Lands. H.R. 678, 69th Congress, Session 1. March 27. U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington, D.C.


Lalor, Robert J.

1958    Mink Food—Should it be Cooked? American Fur Breeder 31(7):15. Duluth, Minnesota.


Lando, Chris

1981    Fur Farms Compiled from Local Newspaper Reports. Draft Manuscript. 7 pages. Clausen Memorial Museum. Petersburg, Alaska.


Lantz, David E.

1921    The Muskrat as a Fur Farmer; with notes on its use as food. American Fox and Fur Farmer. 1(2): 29-35. Published by the American Fox and Fur Farmer. Utica, New York.

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Laut, Agnes C.

1921    The Fur Trade of America. The MacMillan Co. New York, N.Y.


Lawyer, George A., Frank L. Earnshaw, and Ned Dearborn

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Leekley, James R. and H.P. Gazaway

1960    Unpublished Correspondence Between June 1 and July 15. In the Files of the UAF Economics Department. Palmer, Alaska.


Leekley, James R., Raymond G. Landgraf Jr., Jeanne E. Bjork, and William R. Hagevig

1952    Salmon Cannery Waste for Mink Feed. Fishery Leaflet 405. Fish and Wildlife Service. U.S. Department of the Interior. U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington, D.C.


Leekley, James R. and C.A. Cabell

1961b  Fish Diets for Minks. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Production Research Report No. 49. U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington, D.C.

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Leekley, James R., C.A. Cabell, and T.B. Kinney

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Leekley, James R.

1980    Personal communication. January 21.

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Leoschke, Dr. William L.

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1958    Research Studies on Wet Belly Disease. American Fur Breeder (31(8):12. Duluth, Minnesota.


Lester, Jean

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Lethcoe, Jim and Nancy Lethcoe

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Levey, Stephen B., and George Figdor

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Little, Arthur

1963    An Evaluation of the Feasibility of Native Industry in Northwestern Alaska. Arthur Little, Inc. Bureau of Indian Affairs. Juneau, Alaska.


Litwin, Thomas S.

2005    The Harriman Alaska Expedition Retraced: A Century of Change, 1899-2001. Rutgers University Press. New Brunswick, New Jersey.


Loffman, Dave

1947    How Not to Handle Mink Pelts. American Fur Breeder 20(4):8. Duluth, Minnesota.


Loftus, Jule B.

1939    Fur Farming in Alaska. Petersburg Press, June 23, page 6. Petersburg, Alaska.

1932b  To the Fur Farmer. Southeast Alaska Blue Fur Farmer’s Association. Newsletter. General Correspondence of the Territorial Governor’s of Alaska. Microfilm. On file with the Alaska Historical Library. Juneau, Alaska.

1932a  Report of Activities as Territorial Veterinarian, 1932. General Correspondence of the Territorial Governor’s of Alaska. Microfilm. Alaska State Historical Library, Juneau, Alaska.

1931b  Report of Activities as Territorial Veterinarian, 1931. General Correspondence of the Territorial Governor’s of Alaska. Microfilm. Alaska State Historical Library, Juneau, Alaska.

1931a To the Fur Farmer. January 23. Memorandum on file with the Alaska State Historical Library. General Correspondence of the Territorial Governors of Alaska. 1909-1958. Juneau, Alaska.

1930    Report of Activities as Territorial Veterinarian, 1930. General Correspondence of the Territorial Governor’s of Alaska. Microfilm. Alaska State Historical Library, Juneau, Alaska.


Lloyd-Jones, Alice

1918    The Fur Industry. Master’s Thesis. University of Wisconsin. Madison, Wisconsin.


Long, John S.

1975    McCord of Alaska. Dillon and Liederbach, Inc. Cleveland, Pennsylvania.


Loosli, J.K., S.E. Smith, and L.A. Maynard

1940    The Digestibility of Animal Products and Cereals by Minks. Wildlife Leaflet-168. Fish and Wildlife Service. U.S. Department of the Interior. U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington, D.C.


Loosli, J.K. and S.E. Smith

1940b  The Meat Problem in Fur Animal Diet. American Fur Breeder 13(3):10. Duluth, Minnesota.

1940a  Nutrition Experiments with Foxes and Mink. American Fur Breeder 12(7):6. Duluth, Minnesota.

Loseth, Leif

1997    Personal Communications. Also Dorothy Ingle (paternal niece). May 5.


Loshbaugh, Shana

2001    Down on the Farm: Siblings reminisce about raising foxes on Kasilof. March 25. The Peninsula Clarion. Kenai, Alaska.


Lucas, Frederick A.

1900    Fox Farming in Alaska. Current Literature. May. (28):195-197. Current Literature Publishing Co. New York, New York.


Lund, Dolores

1997    Personal Communications. May 29.


Lydekker, R.

1903    Two Fashionable Furs, Arctic Fox. Living Age. January. (23):288-292. Living Age Co. Boston, Massachusetts.

1900    Fox Breeding on the Alaskan Islands. Scientific American 82:242. New York, New York.


Mangusso, Mary Childers and Stephen W. Haycox

1989    Interpreting Alaska’s History: An Anthology. Alaska Pacific University Press. Anchorage, Alaska.


Markell, Joanna

2002    Juneau Color: Keeping Juneau’s Stories Alive.; Marie Darlin is a maven of local history. The Juneau Empire, January 18. The Morris Publishing Group. Juneau, Alaska.


Marsh, Louise

1983    Personal Communication. May 21.


Martin, Earl J.

1946    Are You Cut Out to be a Fur Rancher. American Fur Breeder 19(1):40-42. Duluth, Minnesota.


Martin, Edward T.

1914    Fur and Fur Farming. Outing 65:343-347. Outing Publishing Company. New York, New York.


Mathis, R.C.

1924    Personal Correspondence with Carl Thiel, Juneau, Alaska. September 30. General Correspondence of the Territorial Governors of Alaska. RG Series (1135). Alaska Historical Library. Juneau, Alaska.


Mazion, Judy

n.d.      Personal communication, 2003-2010.



Meals, John

1928    Alaska Fur and Fur Farms 4(5):4. The Fur Farmer Magazine. Seattle, Washington.


Merritt, Dixon

1921    Dr. E.W. Nelson, Chief, Bureau of Biological Survey, U.S. Department of Agriculture. American Fox and Fur Farmer. 1(1): 12-14. Published by the American Fox and Fur Farmer. Utica, New York.


Merritt, M. L.

1922    Correspondence. In: Closed Historic USDA-Forest Service Special Use Permit Files. On file with the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration. Pacific Alaska Region. Anchorage, Alaska.


Mestrezat, Paul

1939    A Year at Five Finger. The Alaska Sportsman. September. Page 12. Journal Publishing Company. Ketchikan, Alaska.


Miller, Andrew

2005    Trip to Goddard a Cruise Into History. April 1. Sitka Weekend. The Sitka Daily Sentinel. Sitka, Alaska.


Miller, S. V. B.

1925    High Pressure Selling Methods. The Black Fox Magazine 9:76. December. F.C. Faye. New York, New York.

1923    Why Cats are Wild. The Fur Farmer Magazine 1(9):10. December. Seattle, Washington.


Mills, C. Jay

1924    Raising Blue Foxes in South-Eastern Alaska. The Black Fox Magazine:8:25. September. F.C. Faye. New York, New York.


Mills, David C. and Frank G. Ashbrook

1924    Trade Routes of the Fur Industry. The Pathfinder of Alaska. September. 5(11):1. Valdez, Alaska.


Mills, Russell

1983    Personal Communication. May 20.


MacDonald, Rose Mortimer Elzey

1921    An Analytical Subject Bibliography of the Publications of the Bureau of Fisheries, 1871-1920. Appendix V to the Report of the Commissioner of Fisheries for 1920. Bureau of Fisheries Document No. 899. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Fisheries. U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington, D.C.


McCay, Al

1984    Personal communication. February 25.


McClintock, L.D.

1947    Ranch Mink can be better than the Wild. American Fur Breeder 19(12): 45-46. Duluth, Minnesota.


McCrary, Nelson

1947    Alaska Fur Farmer. The Alaska Sportsman. December. Page 8. Journal Publishing Company. Ketchikan, Alaska.


McCrory, Dr. B.R.

1947    Feed Requirements. Black Fox Magazine 31(1):12,34-37. New York, New York.

1940    Making a Successful Business of Fox Ranching. American Fur Breeder 12(11):20-22. Duluth, Minnesota.


McGowan, Sarah

1999    Fox Farming: A History of the Industry in the American Period. In The History and Ethnohistory of the Aleutians East Borough: 244-251. Lydia Black (ed.). The Limestone Press. Fairbanks, Alaska.


McKinley, Douglas

1969    One of Three Alaskan Mink Ranchers Left Catches His Own Fish. U.S. Fur Rancher: 3. Minneapolis, Minnesota.


Mobley, Charles M.

1999    Cultural Resource Survey of the South Lindenberg Peninsula Timber Sale, Kupreanof Island, Alaska. Report prepared by Charles M. Mobley & Associates, Anchorage, Alaska, under contract to EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc. Redmond, Washington., for the USDA-Forest Service, Tongass National Forest, Stikine Area, Petersburg, Alaska.


Morgan, Lael (ed.)

1992    The Aleutians. Alaska Geographic 7(3). Alaska Geographic Society. Anchorage, Alaska.


Muller, Sara Savage

1916    Silver Fox Farming. Outlook 113:491-494. New York, New York.


Myron, Rachel and Megan Pasternak

1998    George Jackson Interview; Regarding Life on the Fur Farms near Goddard Hot Springs. August 27. Transcribed by Megan Pasternak. Sitka, Alaska.


Myron, Rachel, John Hallum, Karen Iwamoto, and Hans VonRekowski

1997    Rough draft- Transcribed Audio and video interview with Don Huff; interview concerns his family’s fur farming activities in and around Elovoi Island, Southeast Alaska. On file with the U.S. Forest Service. Sitka Ranger District. Sitka, Alaska.




Myron, Rachel

n.d.      Chatham Area Historic Special Use Permit Database. On file with the U.S. Forest Service. Admiralty and Sitka Ranger District. Juneau and Sitka, Alaska.


National Archives and Records Administration

n.d.      Register of Final Homestead Receipts and Fur Farm Rentals, July 1, 1899-March 2, 1931. National Archives Identifier 647249. Local Identifier MLR-1032. Department of Interior, General Land Office. Anchorage, Alaska.


National Fur News

n.d.      Monthly Serial Publication. 1934-1970. Galen E. Broyles Co. Denver, Colorado.


Nelson, Donald R.

2013    Little Norway: The Story of Petersburg. Second edition. Originally first published in 2001 by Pilot Publishing Incorporated. Petersburg, Alaska


Nelson, E.W.

1924    Letter to the Forester, Chief of the Forest Service. March 1. In: Closed Historic USDA-Forest Service Special Use Permit Files. On file with the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration. Pacific Alaska Region, Anchorage, Alaska and Seattle, Washington.

1922c  Diseases of fur-bearing animals in Alaska. Natural History 22(1): 83. American Museum of Natural History. Washington, DC.

1922b  Hints on the Care of Martens. Pamphlet No. 5. Bureau of Biological Survey. U.S. Department of Agriculture. U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington, D.C.

1922a  Hints on the Care of Minks. Pamphlet No.1. Bureau of Biological Survey. U.S. Department of Agriculture. U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington, D.C.


New York Times, The

1920    Alaska’s Fur Industry; Accurate Reports Obtained by the Aid of Postmasters. August 8. New York, New York.

1919    Auspicious Start of Fur Auction. October 7. New York, New York.

1915    Alaska Fox Farms Report Failures. May 10. New York, New York.

1904    A Boy on a Fox Ranch in Alaska. July 17. New York, New York.


Nielsen, Peter and Isabel Ingram

n.d.      Peter Nielsen interview about growing up on a homestead and fox farming in Homer, Alaska:1919-1981. Archive materials. University of Alaska Library. Fairbanks, Alaska.


Nore, Ingvald and Anna

1983    Personal communications. May 29



Nowlan, Erika

1972    Our Yukon Game Farm. The Alaska Sportsman. September. Page 20. Journal Publishing Company. Ketchikan, Alaska.


Ohman, Lazzette M.

1988    Reflections: A Pioneer Alaskan’s Personal History from the Gold Rush of ’89 to1980. Vantage Press. New York, New York.


Ohmer, Earl N. Sr.

1937    The Future of Fur Ranching. The Alaska Sportsman. July. 3(7):20. Journal Publishing Company. Ketchikan, Alaska.

1935    Letter to the Editor. Petersburg Press. July 26, page 6. Petersburg, Alaska.


Ohmer, Gloria

n.d.      Ohmer Family History in Petersburg, Alaska. Two pages. http:/


Olmsted, Ward H. (editor)

1926    Yearbook of the Silver Fox Industry. Ward H. Olmsted. Minneapolis, Minnesota.


Osgood, Wilfred H.

1908    Silver Fox Farming. Farmer’s Bulletin 328. Bureau of Biological Survey. U.S. Department of Agriculture. U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington, D.C.


Outing Magazine

1919    Fox Farming—Experiences of an Alaska Fox Breeder. 74:38. October 1918-March 1919. Outing Publishing Company. New York, New York.


Ott, Dr. George L.

1947    Disease Problems: How to Anticipate and Treat Them. Black Fox Magazine 30(12):12. New York, New York.


Palmer, Lewis

1940b  Raising Blue Fox Pups. American Fur Breeder 12(11):12.  Duluth, Minnesota.

1940a  The Blue Fox Field is not Overcrowded. American Fur Breeder 12(8):8, 10. Duluth, Minnesota.


Papp, Josephine and Josie A. Phillips

2007    Like a Tree to the Soil: A History of Farming in Alaska’s Tanana Valley, 1903 to 1940. School of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences, Alaska Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station, University of Alaska-Fairbanks. Fairbanks, Alaska.


Parker, Margery P.

1923    A Northern Crusoe’s Island: life on a fox farm off the coast of Alaska, far from contact with the world eleven months of the year. National Geographic. 44(3): 313-326. September. New York, New York.


Pathfinder of Alaska, The

1926b  Cable News of the Outside Fur Markets 7(1):20. January. Valdez, Alaska.

1926a  “The Blue Fox” Published by the Southeast Alaska Blue Fox Organization 7(1):15. January. Valdez, Alaska.

1925u  The Blue Fox 6(11):25. November. Valdez, Alaska.

1925t   Cable News of the Outside U.S. Markets 6(10):27. October. Valdez, Alaska.

1925s  Eleven Pairs of Blue Foxes Shipped to Ugak Island 6(10):24. October. Valdez, Alaska.

1925r   Beaver Transplanted from Cordova to Kodiak 6(10):21. October. Valdez, Alaska.

1925q  Farming Silver-Black Foxes 6(10):6. October. Valdez, Alaska.

1925p  “The Blue Fox” Official Publication of the Southeast Alaska Blue Fox & Fur Farmers Association 6(9):25. September. Valdez, Alaska.

1925o  Cable News of the Outside Fur Markets 6(9):21. September. Valdez, Alaska.

1925n  Cable News of Outside Fur Markets 6(8):18. August. Valdez, Alaska.

1925m Raising Blues in Pens 6(8):14. August. Valdez, Alaska.

1925l   “Matanuska Minkery” by James St. Clair 6(8):11. August. Valdez, Alaska.

1925k  Cable News of Outside Fur Markets; the Inlet section, Kasilof, Kachemak Bay 6(7):21. July. Valdez, Alaska.

1925j   Valuable Furs Shipped from Alaska 6(6):18. June. Valdez, Alaska.

1925i   Raising Blues in Pens 6(6):14. June. Valdez, Alaska.

1925h  Needed Amendments to the Territorial Fur Laws. 6(6):12. June. Valdez, Alaska.

1925g  U.S. Department of Agriculture Will Gather Statistics on Fur Farming 6(5):20. May.  Valdez, Alaska.

1925f   Valdez Area Fox Farmers Market Pelts. 6(5):4. May. Valdez, Alaska.

1925e  Needed Amendments to Territorial Fur Laws 6(4):12. April. Valdez, Alaska.

1925d  Fur Exchange Reports Sales Double 6(4):11. April. Valdez, Alaska.

1925c  Southeast Alaska Blue Fox Farmers Start Movement for Consolidation. 6(2):14. February. Valdez, Alaska.

1925b  Fur Farming Management Studied. 6(1):12. January. Valdez, Alaska.

1925a  “More and Better Furs” by Frank G. Ashbrook 5(1):9. January. Valdez, Alaska.

1924p  Southeast Blue Fox Farmers Start Movement for Consolidation 6(2):14. December. Valdez, Alaska.

1924o  Cook Inlet Blue Fox & Fur Association 5(12):8. December. Valdez, Alaska.

1924n  Trapping Laws and Fur Resources. 5(12):5. December. Valdez, Alaska.

1924m Feeding Blue Foxes. 5(11): 9. November. Valdez, Alaska.

1924l   Fox Parasites. 5(11):8. November. Valdez, Alaska.

1924k  Fox Branding Irons All Distributed. 5(11):5. November. Valdez, Alaska.

1924j   Largest Fox Purchase. 5(10):16. October. Valdez, Alaska.

1924i   Fur Notes 5(9):17. September. Valdez, Alaska.

1924h  H.L. VanValkenberg Conducts Experiments on Fox Feeding 5(9):13. September. Valdez, Alaska.

1924g  Cook Inlet Blue Fox Breeders Association. 5(9):13. September. Valdez, Alaska.

1924f   Fur Farming in Southeast Alaska: A Basic Industry. Grover Cleary, author.  5(11):6. September. Valdez, Alaska.

1924e  Trade Routes of the Fur Industry 4(9):1. September. Valdez, Alaska.

1924d  Western Islands Good Country 4(7):11. July. Valdez, Alaska.

1924c  Southwest Alaska Fur Farmers Meet 4(6):33. June. Valdez, Alaska.

1924b  Statistics of Furs Shipped from Alaska 4(2):18. February. Valdez, Alaska.

1924a  Fox Ranch Ice Cavern 4(1):7. January. Valdez, Alaska.

1923i   Study Fur Farming Problems. 4(12):23. December. Valdez, Alaska.

1923h  Alaska Blue Fox Production.  4(10):19. October. Valdez, Alaska.

1923g  Domesticating Alaska Blue Foxes 4(9):1. September. Valdez, Alaska.

1923f   Blue Fox Production in Alaska 4(7):6. July. Valdez, Alaska.

1923e  Fur-Our Great Future Industry 4(6):1. June. Valdez, Alaska.

1923d  Protect the Fox Farmers. 4(4):12. April. Valdez, Alaska.

1923c  Southeastern Alaska Fox Association. 4(1):23. January. Valdez, Alaska.

1923b  Fur Farming in Southeast Alaska 4(1):28. January. Valdez, Alaska.

1923a  Suggestions for the Silver Fox Raiser 4(1):14. January. Valdez, Alaska.

1922k  Make Pets of Foxes 3(11):17. November. Valdez, Alaska.

1922j   Fox Farmers of the Sound Form an Organization 3(9):9. September. Valdez, Alaska.

1922i   Meeting of Fox Farmers Called for August 22 3(7):8. Valdez, Alaska.

1922h  Fox Island Leasing Regulations. 3(7):8. July. Valdez, Alaska.

1922g  A Successful Alaska Fur Farmer. 3(7):7. July. Valdez, Alaska.

1922f   Fox Island Leasing Regulations 3(6):8. June. Valdez, Alaska.

1922e  A Successful Alaska Fur Farm 3(6):7. June. Valdez, Alaska.

1922d  Fox Farming in Cook Inlet District. 3(6):6. June. Valdez, Alaska.

1922c  Blue Fox Ranching on the Westward Islands 3(6):5. June. Valdez, Alaska.

1922b  Blue Fox Industry of Prince William Sound 3(6):1. June. Valdez, Alaska

1922a  Government Fox Expert to Visit Alaska Fur Farms 3(3):19. March. Valdez, Alaska.

1921c  Change in Leasing Regulations; Fur Farming 3(12):17. December. Valdez, Alaska.

1921b  Would Brand Foxes for Protection. 3(11):11. November. Valdez, Alaska.

1921a  Marten and Beaver May Be Trapped 3(9):18. September. Valdez, Alaska.

1920c  Fur Industry 2(11):10. October. Valdez, Alaska.

1920b  Fox Farming in Alaska 2(9):7. September. Valdez, Alaska.

1920a  Lucas and Kaiser’s Fox Ranch 2(5):16. May. Valdez, Alaska.


Patten, Fred

1938    Letter to Mr. Chipperfield, November 21, Petersburg, Alaska. In: USDA-Forest Service Closed Tongass National Forest Historic Special Use Permit Files. On file with the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration. Pacific Alaska Region. Anchorage, Alaska.


Paul, John

1946    We “Foxum” All Right. The Alaska Sportsman. November. Page 16. Journal Publishing Company. Ketchikan, Alaska.


Paul, Thomas W.

2009    Game Transplants in Alaska. Technical Bulletin 4. Second edition. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Juneau, Alaska.


Paul, William L.

1924    Letter to Dr. E.W. Nelson, Director of the USDA- Bureau of Biological Survey. Washington, D.C. February 18. Ketchikan, Alaska.  In USDA-Forest Service, Historic Special Use Permit Files. On file with the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration. Pacific Alaska Region, Anchorage, Alaska


Pearson, Grant

1950    My Home, My Country (e.g. China Mary). The Alaska Sportsman. May. Page 12. Journal Publishing Company. Ketchikan, Alaska.


Pederson, Christian

n.d.      Personal Papers:1920-1966. Alaska State Historical Library. Juneau, Alaska.


Pederson, Susie

1979    Ed Ophiem, Sr., “Fox Farming”. Elwani 6: 5. Kodiak Aleutian Regional High School. Kodiak, Alaska.


Perry, Ross L.

1940b  Seventeen Years with Blue Foxes. The American National Fur and Market Journal 18(9):7-8. Wausau, Wisconsin.

1940a  Blue Foxes need improvement. American Fur Breeder 13(1):22. Duluth, Minnesota.

Petersburg Herald

1925c  Foxes Shipped. 11(83):1. Petersburg, Alaska.

1925b  Silver Fox Sale-Anchor Point Silver Fox Farm (advertisement). 11(74):6. Petersburg, Alaska.

1925a  Rabbits Form New Industry for Northland. 11(74):1. Petersburg, Alaska.

1924c  Frank and Francis Preuschoff. 11(29):6. Petersburg, Alaska.

1924b  Ole Haynes Exonerated By Jury For Killing Native. 11(10):1. Petersburg, Alaska.

1924a  Native Killed By Fox Rancher At Pybus Bay. 11(10):1. Petersburg, Alaska.


Petersburg Borough

2009    Petersburg Memorial Cemetery. Compiled by Valori Enge. Sections A, B, C-D, E-F, G-H, Section 1, 2-2A, 3, and 4. Wrangell-Petersburg Borough. AKGenWeb. Petersburg, Alaska.


Petersburg Pilot, The

2015    Obituary for John Johnson. April 9. Page 11. Petersburg, Alaska.

2014c  Obituary for Robert William (Bud) Peterson. June 5. Page 13. Petersburg, Alaska.

2014b  Death Notice for Robert William (Bud) Peterson. May 15. Page 22. Petersburg, Alaska.

2014a  Obituary for Dolores Ramstead Lund. January 30. Page 10. Petersburg, Alaska.

2013b  Obituary for Jon Arthur Stephen. April 25. Page 10. Petersburg, Alaska.

2013a  Obituary for Henry William (Bill) Hansen. February 21. Page 9. Petersburg, Alaska.

2012    Obituary for Gladys (Thynes) Solberg. March 8. Page 14. Petersburg, Alaska.

2011    Obituary for Bernard Edward Jensen. January 27. Page 13. Petersburg, Alaska.

2010b  Obituary for Virginia E. Colp. March 4. Page 13. Petersburg, Alaska.

2010a  Obituary for Erling M. Jensen. February 11. Page 13. Petersburg, Alaska.

2008    Obituary for Theodore Hasbrouck, Sr. July 17. Page 11. Petersburg, Alaska.

2001    Obituary for Harold Bergmann. November 1. Petersburg, Alaska.

1999    Obituary for Ethel Bergmann. October 28. Page 17. Petersburg, Alaska.

1988    Obituary for James R. Leekley. March 24. Page 6. Petersburg, Alaska.

1974    Obituary for James H. Wheeler. February 8. Page 1. Petersburg, Alaska.


Petersburg Press

1972b  Minnie Colp Recounts History. Thursday, November 16. Page 3. Petersburg, Alaska.

1972a  Fur Farm Closed December 31. November 9, Page 12. Petersburg, Alaska.

1938b  Construction of Fur Farm Begins. September 30, Page 1. Petersburg, Alaska.

1938a  Exp. Fur Farm Work Due to Start September 1. July 22. Page 1. Petersburg, Alaska.

1937d  Fur Farm to be started July 1. June 25, Page 1. 11(54). Petersburg, Alaska.

1937c  Officials Check Fur Farm Site. June 11, Page 5. Petersburg, Alaska.

1937b  Local Fur Farm Site Endorsed. June 11, Page 1. Petersburg, Alaska.

1937a  Exp. Fur Farm Bill is Being Drafted. January 15, Page 1. Petersburg, Alaska.

1936c  Exp. Fur Farm Receives Backing. November 20, Page 1. 11(20). Petersburg, Alaska.

1936b  Fur Farmers are Circularized. November 6, Page 4. Petersburg, Alaska.

1936a  Survey made of Fur Farms. August 7, Page 1. Petersburg, Alaska.

1929    Popular Pioneer Passes Suddenly from Operation. 3(47):1. Petersburg, Alaska.

1914b  Vachon Brothers Building Fox Ranch. August 1. Petersburg, Alaska.

1914a  Mallon Robs Silver Fox Pelts (Fairbanks). April 4. Petersburg, Alaska.

1913b  Fox Population Depleted. May 3. Petersburg, Alaska.

1913a  (Edna M. Brennan) Writes Article about Sukoi Island Fox Farm. February 1. Petersburg, Alaska.


Petersburg Public Library; Listening Project

2010b  Dorothy “Dot” Otness oral history. July 31. Petersburg, Alaska.

2010a  Dorothy Ingle oral history. April 7.  Petersburg, Alaska.

2009    Angie Hofstad oral history. December 3 and 10. Petersburg, Alaska.


Petersburg Weekly Report

1923    Fox Farm Has Loss from Fire. 10(38):1. Petersburg, Alaska.

1922h  Fox Farmers of Alaska Form Organization for Benefit of Whole Industry. 9(39):1. Petersburg, Alaska.

1922g  By-Laws Adopted for Southeastern Alaska Blue Fox Farmers Association. 9(39):1. Petersburg, Alaska.

1922f   Fox Ranchers Will Meet Here On November 15th To Form Fur Farm Association. 9(37):1. Petersburg, Alaska.

1922e  Westward Fox Man Moves to Southeast Alaska to Ranch. 9(32):4. Petersburg, Alaska. NOTE: probable error in edition citation.

1922d  “Territorial Notes…”. 9(38):4. Petersburg, Alaska.

1922c  “Notes”. 9(37):5. Petersburg, Alaska.

1922b  Andrew Grosvold writes of fox farming at far westward. 9(37):3. Petersburg, Alaska.

1922a  Westward Fox Raising is Described by Rancher. 9(36):3. Petersburg, Alaska.

1922l   Notice of the formation of the Fur Farms Finance Co. of Seattle, Washington. 9(36):1. Petersburg, Alaska.

1922k  Ketchikan Fox Men Form Association. 9(35):1. Petersburg, Alaska.

1922j   Westward Fox Man Moves to Southeast Alaska with Ranch. 9(32):4. Petersburg, Alaska.

1922i   Fox Men Working Toward Formation of Organization. 9(23):1.  Petersburg, Alaska.

1922h  Pribilof Island Foxes May Be Secured for Stock Breeding. May 5. 9(21):7.Petersburg, Alaska.

1922g  “Mac” Fixing Fox Ranch. May 5. 9(21):1. Petersburg, Alaska.

1922f   List of islands leased for fox ranches in southeastern Alaska. 9(14):1. Petersburg, Alaska.

1922e  New Regulation Governing Fox Farm Permits Now. 9(8):1. Petersburg, Alaska.

1922d  Local Interest- E.P.Refling and Ernest Kirberger. 9(6):1. Petersburg, Alaska.

1922c  Fox Breeder Gives Comparison Between Silvers and Blues. 9(5):4. Petersburg, Alaska.

1922b  Sukoi Island Fox Ranch Now Under New Management. 9(4):1. Petersburg, Alaska.

1922a  New Regulations Issued for Lease of all Fox Islands. 9(3):3. Petersburg, Alaska.

1921    List of Fox Farms Located in Tongass Forest. 7(48):1. Petersburg, Alaska.

1920c  To whom it may concern-Sukoi Islands. 7(4):3. Petersburg, Alaska.

1920b  “Notice”-Fur farm lease of Walter Island. 7(4):2. Petersburg, Alaska

1920a  “Local Interest”. 6(29):4. Petersburg, Alaska.

1919c  “Local Interest”. 5(40):4. Petersburg, Alaska.

1919b  “Local Interest”. 5(25):4. Petersburg, Alaska.

1919a  “Local Interest”. 5(24):4. Petersburg, Alaska.

1918    The Tragedy at Scow Bay. 4(22):1. Petersburg, Alaska.

1917c  “OLI” (Of Local Interest). 3(34):4. Petersburg, Alaska.

1917b  “OLI” (Of Local Interest). 3(31):4. Petersburg, Alaska.

1917a  A Valuable Fox Family. 3(30):1. Petersburg, Alaska.

1916d  “Local Interest”. October 21. Petersburg, Alaska.

1916c  “Local Interest”. Barkdull Leases Fox Island for Fox Farming. July 29. Petersburg, Alaska.

1916b  “Local Interest”. Green Leases Fox Island for Fox Farming. July 1. Petersburg, Alaska.

1916a  (Leis) Locates Ranch at Muddy River. May 20. Petersburg, Alaska.

1915    Mink Ranch Established at Cape Fanshaw. February 6. Petersburg, Alaska.


Petersburg and Wrangell Boroughs

2009    Wrangell and Petersburg Boroughs Census Areas. Jo Slade and Tara Alcock. AKGenWeb. Database on-line.


Peterson, David

2011    Personal communications. January 15.


Peterson, Grace and Fred

n.d.      Personal Papers: 1933-1952. Alaska and Polar Regions Collections. Elmer E. Rasmuson Library. University of Alaska- Fairbanks. Fairbanks, Alaska.


Peterson, John G.

n.d.      John G. Peterson Family Papers (1861-1961). Guide to Collection  MS 111. Alaska State Historical Library. Juneau, Alaska.


Peterson, Robert W. (Bud)

2011    Personal communication. January 19.


Plitt, Thora M.

1940    Problems in Fur Fiber Research. American Fur Breeder 13(2):14-15. Duluth, Minnesota.


Pool, Kathy, Editor

2004    Pioneer Profiles: A History of Petersburg Settlers, 1898-1959. Pioneers of Alaska, Igloo 26 and Auxiliary 10. Sand Dollar Press, Port Townsend, Washington.


Polar Record, The

1967    Fur Industry in Alaska. Cambridge University Press 13(87): 800-801. New York, New York. (Summarized from a review in Alaska, review of business and economic conditions), University of Alaska, Institute of Social, Economic and Government Research, 1968).


Polk’s Alaska-Yukon Gazetteer and Business Directory

1923    Polk’s 1923-1924 Alaska-Yukon Gazetteer and Business. Directory. Pages 553-556. R.L. Polk and Company. Seattle, Washington.


Pratt, L.C.

n.d.      Diaries of L.C. Pratt, Executive Assistant, 1921-1937. Chugach National Forest Ranger Notes and Diaries. U.S. National Archives and Records Administration. Pacific Alaska Region. Anchorage, Alaska.

1924    Domesticating Br’er Fox. The University of Washington Forest Club Quarterly 3(1):33-40. Seattle, Washington.


Preble, Edward A. and W.L. McAtee

1923    A Biological Survey of the Pribilof Islands, Alaska. North American Fauna, No. 46, Part 1. Bureau of Biological Survey. U.S. Department of Agriculture. U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington, D.C.



Progressive, The

1913b  Sockeye Island Deserted. May 3. 1(16):4. Petersburg, Alaska.

1913a  A Successful Fox Farm. February 13. 1(3):3. Petersburg, Alaska.


Rain Country

1994    Industry of the Past. Interview with Harold & Ethel Bergmann at the Yukon Fur Farm, Kupreanof, Alaska. Scott Foster, Producer. Program No. 911. VHS Tape. KTOO-TV. Juneau, Alaska.


Rakestraw, Lawrence

1981    A History of the United States Forest Service in Alaska. A cooperative publication of the Alaska Historical Commission, State of Alaska Department of Education, Alaska Region of the U.S. Forest Service, and assistance from the Alaska Historical Society. Self published. Anchorage, Alaska.


Rasmuson, Elmer E., Library

1986    An Index of Alaska Oral History Collections. Alaska and Polar Regions Department. Program for the Preservation of Oral History and Traditions. Updated periodically. University of Alaska. Fairbanks, Alaska.


Redfield, William C.

1914    Propagation of Foxes and Other Fur-Bearing Animals. U.S. Department of Commerce. Office of the Secretary. U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington, D.C.


Redington, Paul

1932    Fur Farming. The Fur Farmer Magazine 7(7):4. Seattle, Washington.


Rhodes, Lois

2014b  Personal Communications. August 31.

2014a  Personal Communications. August 30.

2004    Joe and Cora Johnson. In: Pioneer Profiles: A History of Petersburg Settlers, 1898-1959. Pages 133-134. Kathy Pool, editor. Pioneers of Alaska Igloo 26 and Auxiliary 10. Published by Sand Dollar Press. Port Townsend, Washington.


Rhodes, William “Doug”

2014    Sketch map of the Blashke Islands fur farm. June 6. Personal communication with Larry Roberts in Sitka, Alaska.


Riley, Phil M.

1915    Breeding the Silver Fox in Captivity. Country Life (28):33-35. London, England.


Roberts, Christine Ruhsenberger

1983    Kodachrome color slides of Ingvald and Anna Nore. Mink and dairy farm. Seventeen color slides. May 29. Wrangell, Alaska.


Roberts, Larry D.

2014    Companies and Individuals: A Preliminary Biographical Index to Historic Southeast Alaska Fur Farming. Third Edition. Manuscript. March. Grand Junction, Colorado.

2013c  Update-Preliminary Interdisciplinary Select Bibliography in Relation to Historic Alaska Fur Farming. May. Manuscript. Grand Junction, Colorado.

2013b  Update-Preliminary Select Bibliography in Relation to Historic Alaska Fur Farming. May. Manuscript. Grand Junction, Colorado.

2013a  Companies and Individuals: A Preliminary Biographical Index to Historic Southeast Alaska Fur Farming. Second Edition. Manuscript. March. Grand Junction, Colorado.

2011    Companies and Individuals: A Preliminary Biographical Index to Historic Southeast Alaska Fur Farming. Manuscript. First Edition. November. Grand Junction, Colorado.

2010    A Preliminary Survey of Historic Southeast Alaskan Fur Farming. February. Manuscript. Grand Junction, Colorado.

2006b  Preliminary Select Bibliography in Relation to Historic Alaska Fur Farming. July. Manuscript. Grand Junction, Colorado.

2006a  An Overview of Historic Southeastern Alaskan Fur Farming. July. Manuscript. Grand Junction, Colorado.

2003    Personal Communications with Kris Thorsrud. March 12.

n.d.      Southeast Alaska Fur Farm Database.


Robey, Ralph

1942    Fur Coats and Winning the War. The Fur Journal 9(1):15. November. Wausau, Wisconsin.


Robinson, Unknown

1926    Principles of Fur Farming: How to Successfully Raise Fur-Bearing Animals for Commercial Purposes. Outdoor Enterprise Publishing Company. Kansas City, Missouri.


Rogers, George W.

1985    The Southeast Alaska Regional Economy and Communities: Evolution and Structure. November. Prepared for the USDA-Forest Service, Alaska Region. Institute of Social and Economic Research. University of Alaska-Anchorage. Anchorage, Alaska.


Roppel, Patricia

2014d  Personal communications in Wrangell, Alaska. June 22.

2014c  Draft Compilation of fur farming topics from the Alaska Weekly. 1 page.

2014b  Pillar Bay’s Industry Grew By Reduction. Capital City Weekly. May 7. The Morris Publishing Group. Juneau, Alaska.

2014a  Southeast History: The islands with a furry history. Capital City Weekly. February 26. The Morris Publishing Group. Juneau, Alaska.

2012c  Southeast History: The Brothers: Island fox farming. Capital City Weekly. October 10. The Morris Publishing Group. Juneau, Alaska.

2012b  Southeast History: Jackson Island’s fox farmers. Capital City Weekly. July 18-24. The Morris Publishing Group. Juneau, Alaska.

2012a  Personal communications.

2011    Personal communications.

2010    Southeast history: Two ways to get rich fur farming in the ‘20s. Capital City Weekly. Morris Communications Group. September 29. Juneau, Alaska.

1978    Southeast: Alaska’s Panhandle 5(2). Alaska Northwest Publishing Co. Edmonds, Washington.


Rossiter, Harriet

1923    Alaska’s Fur Industry, Its Decline and Rise. Fur Trade Review. January: 173-176. New York, New York.


Sather, Josephine

1946    Fox Farm at Nuka Bay; the Foxes. Four part series: “The Island” 12(7); “The Foxes” 12(8); “The Birds and Bears” 12(9); and “Our Glorious World” 12(10). Alaska Sportsman. Journal Publishing Company. Ketchikan, Alaska.


Scharfenberg, Joni

1982    Fur Farming in Alaska. Alaska Farm and Garden 2(1):36. January. Alaska Farm Structures, Inc. Delta Junction, Alaska.


Schaible, P.J., Hugh F. Travis, and Gordon Shelts

1962    Dietary Factors in Wet Belly Disease. American Fur Breeder 35(10):18. Duluth, Minnesota.


Schooler, Lynn

2003    The Blue Bear: A True Story of Friendship and Discovery in the Alaska Wild. Page183. Harper-Collins, New York, New York.


Seton, Ernest Thompson

1911    Two Successful Fur Farms. Country Life 20:31-34. London, England.

1909    Biography of a Silver Fox. The Century Company. New York, New York.

1906    Raising Fur-Bearing Animals for Profit. Country Life in America 9. January: 294. Doubleday, Page & Company. New York.


Seward Daily Gateway

1931    Kusilof Fur Farmer Works for 50-Mile Road, Kenai-Homer. Page 6. July 10. Seward, Alaska.

1926    Two Hundred Per Cent Silver Fox Increase in Kussilof District. 21(204): 1. September 9. Seward, Alaska.


Shearer, M.H.

1936    The Matanuska Valley of Southern Alaska. Journal of Geography 35(5): 186-193. Washington, D.C.



Sheldon Museum and Cultural Center

n.d.      Charles H. Anway, 1857-1949. Historical Vignettes. Haines, Alaska.


Sheldon, Willard B.

1952    Trend Is For Fewer But Larger Ranches. Black Fox Magazine. Volume 36. New York, New York.

1951    Report of the Statistical Department of the National Board of Fur Farm Organizations. Black Fox Magazine. Volume 35. New York, New York.

1947b  Authoritative Charts Give Basic Facts of Fox and Mink Industry. Black Fox Magazine 30(9):48-51. New York, New York.

1947a  Correction Regarding Number of Fur Farms in United States. The National Fur News, 19(2):12. Denver, Colorado.


Sherman, E.A.

1924    Letter to Dr. E.W. Nelson, Director of the USDA-Bureau of Biological Survey. Washington, D.C. March 3. Washington, D.C.  In: USDA-Forest Service, Closed Tongass National Forest Historic Special Use Permit Files. On file with the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration. Pacific Alaska Region, Anchorage, Alaska.


Shillinger, J.E.

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1929    Humane Aspects in Fox Farming. Paper presented at the American Humane Association. September 30. St Louis, Missouri.


Shively, Harold O.

1963    About Fake Furs. American Fur Breeder 36(12):9. Duluth, Minnesota.


Shumaker, Cecil Lee

1967    The Alaska Blues. In: Do You Know; Exploring Nature Around Prince William Sound, Alaska. Exposition Press. New York, New York.


Sims, Grant

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Sinnott, N.J. and Fiorello H. LaGuardia

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Smith, Curtis R.

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Smith, Bruce W.

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Smith, G. Ennis

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Smith, Hugh M.

1919    Report of the U.S. Commissioner of Fisheries for Fiscal Year 1917. Bureau of Fisheries. U.S. Department of Commerce. U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington, D.C.

1915    Report of the U.S. Commissioner of Fisheries for Fiscal Year 1914. Bureau of Fisheries. U.S. Department of Commerce. U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington, D.C.


Smith, J.L.

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Snider, Gerrit

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